// 2D gaussian Double_t g2(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { Double_t r1 = Double_t((x[0]-par[1])/par[2]); Double_t r2 = Double_t((x[1]-par[3])/par[4]); return par[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*(r1*r1+r2*r2)); } // First time hnew=true to create, save and handle histos // Then hnew to read and handle histos void histo_tmp(Bool_t hnew=true) { char FileName[158]; char dDir[158]; char title[158]; gROOT->LoadMacro("EPTFitDistribution.cc+"); EPTFitDistribution *fitHisto = new EPTFitDistribution(); const Int_t npart = 4; // particles const Int_t totDAM = 11; // detectors Int_t colors[] = {kRed,kGreen,kBlue,kMagenta}; TString tcolors[] = {"Red","Green","Blue","Magenta"}; TString particles[] = {"electron","proton","alpha","gamma"}; // Histos limits Float_t maxS13[] = {30,12,5.5,4,3,3,3,2.5,2.5,2.2,2.2}; Float_t maxS2[] = {30,30,6.5,5,4,3,3,2.5,2.5,2.2,2.2}; // Create histograms TH2F **tH2F = new TH2F*[totDAM]; for (Int_t d=0;d No Det hit, 1 => First Det ... { tH2F[d] = new TH2F[npart]; } const Int_t npar = 15; TF2 *f2 = new TF2("f2",g2,0,30,0,30, npar); Double_t f2params[npar]; TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Particles distribution",0,0,400,400); // ========== Plot Parameters ========== gPad->SetFillColor(10); // 10 => white gPad->SetFillStyle(4000); // 4000 => transparent gPad->SetLeftMargin(.15); gPad->SetRightMargin(.10); gPad->SetBottomMargin(.1); gPad->SetTopMargin(0.15); gPad->SetFrameBorderSize(0); gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); gPad->SetFrameFillColor(10); gPad->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); gPad->SetLogx(0); gPad->SetLogy(1); //=============== if new file create histos and save them if (hnew) { cout << " generating histos " << endl; for (Int_t d=0;d No Det hit, 1 => First Det ... { for (Int_t p=0;pUniform(maxS2[d]/(8*(p+1))); f2params[2] = f2params[1]/4 + randgen->Uniform(f2params[1]/8); f2params[3] = maxS13[d]/(4*(p+1)) + randgen->Uniform(maxS13[d]/(8*(p+1))); f2params[4] = f2params[3]/4 + randgen->Uniform(f2params[3]/8); cout << f2params[0] <<" " << f2params[1] <<" " << f2params[2] <<" " << f2params[3] <<" " << f2params[4] <<" "<SetParameters(f2params); tH2F[d][p].FillRandom("f2",1000+TMath::Floor(randgen->Uniform(100))); } } cout << "Saving histos" <SetTitle(title); sprintf(title,"%s %s",tcolors[p].Data(),particles[p].Data()); cout << title<GetMaximum(); Double_t rmean = tH1D[p]->GetMean(); Double_t rrms = tH1D[p]->GetRMS(); cout<<" MAX MEAN RMS"<GetYaxis(); tXAxis = tH1D[p]->GetXaxis(); Double_t hmax = 0; Double_t sum = 0; Double_t sum2 = 0; Double_t tot = 0; for (Int_t binx=1; binx <= tH1D[p]->GetNbinsX(); binx++) { Double_t cont = tH1D[p]->GetBinContent(binx); Double_t center = tXAxis->GetBinCenter(binx); hmax = hmax > cont ? hmax : cont; tot += cont; sum+= center*cont; sum2+= (center*center)*cont; } hmaximorum = hmaximorum > hmax ? hmaximorum : hmax; Double_t mean = sum/tot; Double_t rms = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(sum2/tot-(mean*mean))); cout<<"MY Calculation "<SetLineColor(colors[p]); tH1D[p]->SetStats(kFALSE); if(first<0) { tH1D[p]->Draw("AL"); first=p; } else { tH1D[p]->Draw("samel"); } } cout << "================================================="<Draw("sameaxis"); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); c1->Update(); pause(); } } } void SaveHistos(TH2F** histo,Int_t ni, Int_t nj,TString fileName) { TFile *tFile = new TFile(fileName,"RECREATE","particle distributions"); char histoName[20]; for (Int_t i=0; iClose(); } void ReadHistos(TH2F** histo,Int_t ni, Int_t nj,TString fileName) { TFile *tFile = new TFile(fileName); char histoName[20]; for (Int_t i=0; iGet(histoName); histo[i][j].SetDirectory(0); } } tFile->Close(); } void pause() { cout << "Press ENTER to continue."; cin.get(); }