#include #include #include #include "c:\root\include\Rtypes.h" using namespace std; //void (TComplex::*pConstructor1)(); //(FARPROC &)pConstructor1 = GetProcAddress(fl1, "TComplexConstructor"); int main() { const int nfills = 1100000000; int i, nn; Double_t tnew=25.25, fr=1.25, fi=1.35, fs=0.0; //TComplex tt, fc; // TStopwatch declaration and initialization of object "ft" HINSTANCE fl1=LoadLibrary("c:\\root\\bin\\libmultisetDict.dll"); cout << fl1 << "\n"; cin >> nn; HINSTANCE fl2=LoadLibrary("c:\\root\\bin\\glib-1.3.dll"); cout << fl2; cin >> nn; //HINSTANCE fl3=LoadLibrary("c:\\root\\bin\\pthreadVC2.dll"); //cout << fl3; cin >> nn; //HINSTANCE fl4=LoadLibrary("c:\\root\\bin\\pthreadVSE2.dll"); //cout << fl4; cin >> nn; HINSTANCE fl5=LoadLibrary("c:\\root\\bin\\libCore.dll"); cout << fl5; cin >> nn; /*HINSTANCE fl6=LoadLibrary("c:\\root\\bin\\libMathCore.dll"); cout << fl6; cin >> nn; */ cout << "\n" << "Input nn"; cin >> nn; cout << "\n" << "Input again 1 1nn"; cin >> nn; void(TStopwatch::*pConstructor)(); (FARPROC &)pConstructor = GetProcAddress(fl5, "Constructor"); char p_ft[sizeof(TStopwatch)]; TStopwatch &ftt = *(TStopwatch *)p_ft; (ftt.*pConstructor)(); Destruction of and object "ft" void (TStopwatch::*pDestructor)(); (FARPROC &)pDestructor = GetProcAddress(fl5, "Destructor"); (ftt.*pDestructor)(); // End of destruction of object "ft" //FreeLibrary(fl6); //cout << "\n" << "Input again 11 nn"; FreeLibrary(fl5); cout << "\n" << "Input again 12 nn"; //FreeLibrary(fl4); cout << "\n" << "Input again 13 nn"; //FreeLibrary(fl3); cout << "\n" << "Input again 14 nn"; FreeLibrary(fl2); cout << "\n" << "Input again 15 nn"; FreeLibrary(fl1); cout << "\n" << "Input again 16 nn"; return 0; }