set maxWorkersPerNode=80 set CONFDIR=/afs/ set MASTER=ccapl0008 set ROOT4LAF=/usr/local/root/root4laf set ROOT1=/usr/local/root/root_v5.27.04 set ROOT1TAG=v5-27-04 set ROOT2=/usr/local/root/root_v5.26.00b/root set ROOT2TAG=v5-26-00b set ROOT4=/usr/local/root/v5.30.00 set ROOT4TAG=v5-30-00 set ROOT5=/usr/local/root/v5.27.04_32bits set ROOT5TAG=v5-27-04_32b ####################################### #### Configuration file for XROOTD #### ####################################### # 09-03-19: configuration file created. # ### Adimn path (should not be /tmp, i.e. the default, because important files may ### get deleted there without warnings= ...) xpd.adminpath /scratch/admin xpd.putenv ### This is for file serving; better start a separate 'xrootd' daemon for that: ### it will pickup the lines that follow just here. These lines are ignored by ### xproofd, so it is safe to use the same file for both daemons. ### FS lib xrootd.fslib $ROOT4LAF/lib/ ### Make these paths visible all.export /scratch/proofbox r/w ### Load the XrdProofd Protocol to serve PROOF sessions ### using absolute paths ( with the path to the ROOT distribution) #if exec xrootd # xrd.protocol xproofd:1093 $ROOT4LAF/lib/ #fi ### Defines a ROOT distribution that can be used for PROOF session ### parametres: [] xpd.rootsys $ROOT4LAF default xpd.rootsys $ROOT1 $ROOT1TAG xpd.rootsys $ROOT2 $ROOT2TAG xpd.rootsys $ROOT4 $ROOT4TAG xpd.rootsys $ROOT5 $ROOT5TAG ### root path for user sandboxes (working directories) ### user sandboxe for ${username} is created as ${workdir}/${username} xpd.workdir /scratch/proofbox ### Timeout for waits internal to xproofd (in seconds) ### To increase for debugging operaitons xpd.intwait 120 ### Maximum number of old PROOF sessions for which the workng directory ### is kept with all the releveant files in (logs, environment) ### non-positive value => unlimited xpd.maxoldlogs 1 ### Define the way the composition of the PROOF sessions ### for a given user is determined ### static: source of information obtained from a static configuration file ### "on the fly" changes are automaticaly detected (no need to restart the daemon) ### wmx: define the maximum number of wrokers to be assigned to user session ### default is -1: all possible workers as defined in the proof configuration file (proof.conf) ### selopt: specify the way the workers are chosen ### * "roundrobin": round-robin selection in bunches of n (= ) workers. ### * "random": random choice (a worker is not assigned twice) xpd.resource static $CONFDIR/proof.conf wmx:$maxWorkersPerNode selopt:roundrobin ### Define the role for a given server (master, submaster, worker) ### Allow to control the cluster structure ### No need of proof.conf anymore since version >= 5.22.00 ### (see # define clearly the nodes role : important for SetROOTVersion !! if ccapl00* xpd.role worker fi if $ xpd.role master fi ### Master(s) allowed to connect. Directive active only for Worker or ### Submaster session requests. Multiple 'allow' directives can ### be specified. By default all connections are allowed. xpd.allow $ ### Superusers (can do something more) xpd.superusers vernet,suzanne,dmercier ### Max number of PROOF sessions [-1, i.e. no limit] xpd.maxsessions 10 ### Definition of the groups ### See examples in: $ROOTSYS/etc/proof/xpd.groups.sample xpd.groupfile $CONFDIR/groupfile ### Enable password authentification xpd.seclib $ROOT4LAF/lib/ sec.protparm gsi -gridmap:$CONFDIR/grid-mapfile # xpd.sec.protocol gsi -crl:0 -dlgpxy:3 -certdir:/usr/local/shared/grid/grid-security/certificates -d:2 -cert:/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem -key:/etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem -exppxy:/scratch/proofbox//.creds/x509_u xpd.putrc XSec.GSI.DelegProxy 2 # maximum number of cores per user (default is 8) # takes min(wmx,this) in practice even though all workers are connected xpd.putrc Packetizer.MaxWorkersPerNode: $maxWorkersPerNode xpd.putenv XrdSecGSIUSERPROXY=//.creds/x509_u xpd.putenv X509_USER_PROXY=//.creds/x509_u xpd.putenv XrdSecGSICADIR=/usr/local/shared/grid/grid-security/certificates # Output files for trees xpd.putrc Proof.OutputFile: root://$ xpd.putrc XNet.Mkpath 1 #Datasets xpd.datasetsrc file url:/scratch/datasets opt:Ar:Av: rw=1 #syslog-ng #xpd.putrc ProofServ.LogToSysLog a1 #mySQL monitoring #xpd.putrc ProofServ.Monitoring SQL mysql://:/ xpd.putrc ProofServ.Monitoring SQL mysql:// laf_monitoring nzfYTI896n LAF_Monitoring #disconnect idle sessions #xpd.shutdown 1 1m ################################## #### ALICE-specific versions ##### ################################## set ROOTALICE12=/afs/ set ROOTALICETAG12=ALICE_v5-28-00c xpd.rootsys $ROOTALICE12 $ROOTALICETAG12 set ROOTALICE13=/afs/ set ROOTALICETAG13=ALICE_v5-28-00d xpd.rootsys $ROOTALICE13 $ROOTALICETAG13 set ROOTALICE14=/afs/ set ROOTALICETAG14=ALICE_v5-28-00-1 xpd.rootsys $ROOTALICE14 $ROOTALICETAG14 set ROOTALICE15=/afs/ set ROOTALICETAG15=ALICE_v5-28-00e xpd.rootsys $ROOTALICE15 $ROOTALICETAG15 set ROOTALICE16=/afs/ set ROOTALICETAG16=ALICE_v5-28-00e-1 xpd.rootsys $ROOTALICE16 $ROOTALICETAG16 set ROOTALICE17=/afs/ set ROOTALICETAG17=ALICE_v5-28-00f xpd.rootsys $ROOTALICE17 $ROOTALICETAG17