set(INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIR} ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${BASE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} ${ATTPCROOTPATH}/include # Add all the folders having header files you used in the code. ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/MCSrc ) include_directories(${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} ${ATTPCROOTPATH}/include) set(LINK_DIRECTORIES ${ROOT_LIBRARY_DIR} ${FAIRROOT_LIBRARY_DIR} ${ATTPCROOTPATH}/build/lib ) list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH $ENV{ROOTSYS}) link_directories(${LINK_DIRECTORIES}) set(SRCS # Add all the source files below this line. Those must have cc for their extension. ) CHANGE_FILE_EXTENSION(*.cc *.hh HEADERS "${SRCS}") Set(LINKDEF MCSrcLinkDef.h) Set(LIBRARY_NAME MCSrc) Set(DEPENDENCIES XMLParser Spectrum ) ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY(G__MCSrc MCSrc.hh LINKDEF MCSrcLinkDef.h) GENERATE_LIBRARY() target_link_libraries(MCSrc Core Gpad Graf Graf3d Gui Hist Hist MathCore Matrix Minuit Net Physics Postscript Rint RIO Thread Tree TreePlayer ATTPCReco FairTools Base ) add_executable(MCExe target_link_libraries(MCExe Core Gpad Graf Graf3d Gui Hist Hist MathCore Matrix Minuit Net Physics Postscript Rint RIO Thread Tree TreePlayer ATTPCReco FairTools Base )