###################################################################### # Automatically generated by qmake (1.07a) Sun Jun 26 02:03:47 2005 # Adjusted by hand to include $ROOTSYS/include/rootcint.pri file ###################################################################### TEMPLATE = app thread CONFIG -= moc # # Include "by hand" the qmake include file "rootcint.pri" # from the ROOT distribution to define: # # 1. include path to the ROOT system header files # 2. the list of the ROTO shared libraries to link # Qt application against of # 3. qmake rules to generate ROOT/Cint dictionaries includeFile = $(QTROOTSYSDIR)/include exists ($$includeFile) { include ($$includeFile/rootcint.pri) } !exists ($$includeFile) { includeFile = $(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcint.pri exists ($$includeFile) { include ($$includeFile) } } # Input SOURCES += RotatePad.cxx # -- Check for the obsolete ROOT version :( !exists ($$inlcudeFile) { message (" ") message ("WARNING: The $$inlcudeFile was not found !!!") message ("Please update your Qt layer version from http://root.bnl.gov ") message (" ") LIBS += $$system(root-config --glibs) -lGQt INCLUDEPATH += $(ROOTSYS)/include } #The following line was inserted by qt3to4 QT += qt3support