#include #include #include "TGeoManager.h" #include "TGeoTrd1.h" #include "TGeoBoolNode.h" #include "TGeoCompositeShape.h" #include "TGeoPcon.h" /********************************* constants **********************************/ #define pi 3.14159265358979 // Cell Geometry data: // All units are mm // Cell dimensions: b1= base 1, b2= base 2, dr= radial height, dz= z width (all half lenghts) // Cell translations: tr= radial translation, tz = z translation const float cell_a_b1 = 112.100; const float cell_a_b2 = 126.638; const float cell_a_dr = 151.623; const float cell_a_dz[10] = {120.328, 123.413, 129.584, 129.584, 135.755, 141.925, 154.267, 157.352, 169.694, 148.096}; const float cell_a_tr = -649.377; const float cell_a_tz[10] = {-1289.67, -1045.93, -792.932, -533.764, -268.425, 9.25519, 305.447, 617.065, 944.11, 1261.9}; const float cell_b_b1 = 126.638; const float cell_b_b2 = 144.704; const float cell_b_dr = 188.431; const float cell_b_dz[9] = {138.537, 144.694, 141.616, 147.772, 157.009, 163.167, 169.323, 181.638, 166.245}; const float cell_b_tr = -309.323; const float cell_b_tz[9] = {-1272.46, -988.231, -701.921, -412.533, -107.751, 212.424, 544.914, 895.874, 1243.76}; const float cell_c_b1 = 144.704; const float cell_c_b2 = 165.491; const float cell_c_dr = 216.797; const float cell_c_dz[8] = {160.438, 163.523, 166.608, 169.694, 182.035, 185.120, 197.462, 185.120}; const float cell_c_tr = 95.9053; const float cell_c_tz[8] = {-1249.56, -925.6, -595.468, -259.166, 92.5623, 459.718, 842.3, 1224.88}; const float cell_d_b1 = 165.491; const float cell_d_b2 = 188.965; const float cell_d_dr = 244.825; const float cell_d_dz[4] = {182.606*2, 383.705, 411.442, 432.245}; // Factor of 2 to correct for D0 cell const float cell_d_tr = 557.527; const float cell_d_tz[4] = {-1227.39-182.606, -661.083, 134.064, 977.752}; // Subtracting width of D0 cell const float e_cell_a_b1 = 112.100; const float e_cell_a_b2 = 126.638; const float e_cell_a_dr = 151.623; const float e_cell_a_dz[5] = {76.8269, 230.481, 248.558, 266.635, 433.846}; const float e_cell_a_tr = -649.377; const float e_cell_a_tz[5] = {-1025.87, -718.558, -239.519, 275.673, 976.154}; const float e_cell_b_b1 = 126.638; const float e_cell_b_b2 = 157.769; const float e_cell_b_dr = 324.689; const float e_cell_b_dz[5] = {140.096, 244.038, 266.635, 289.231, 316.346}; const float e_cell_b_tr = -173.066; const float e_cell_b_tz[5] = {-962.596, -578.462, -67.7884, 488.077, 1093.65}; const float e_cell_c_b1 = 150.500; const float e_cell_c_b2 = 165.860; const float e_cell_c_dr = 160.200; const float e_cell_c_dz = 36.1538; const float e_cell_c_tr = 160.200; const float e_cell_c_tz = -1138.85; const float e_cell_d_b1[3] = {165.860, 157.769, 157.769}; const float e_cell_d_b2 = 188.965; const float e_cell_d_dr[3] = {240.300, 324.689, 324.689}; const float e_cell_d_dz[3] = {153.635, 578.461, 677.884}; const float e_cell_d_tr[3] = {560.700, 476.311, 476.311}; const float e_cell_d_tz[3] = {-1256.35, -524.232, 732.113}; const float e_cell_gap_b1 = 113.237389; const float e_cell_gap_b2 = 145.366348; const float e_cell_gap_dr = 327.0; const float e_cell_gap_dz = 7.5; const float e_cell_gap_tr = 2628.829590-3081.676; const float e_cell_gap_tz = -1115.0; const float e_cell_crack_b1 = 71.970835; const float e_cell_crack_b2 = 113.237389; const float e_cell_crack_dr = 420.00; const float e_cell_crack_dz = 4.0; const float e_cell_crack_tr = 1882.729492-3081.676; const float e_cell_crack_tz = -1115.0; const float e_cell_mbts_b1[2] = {176.0, 63.0}; const float e_cell_mbts_b2[2] = {368.65, 176.0}; const float e_cell_mbts_dr[2] = {232.0, 136.5}; const float e_cell_mbts_dz = 10.0; const float e_cell_mbts_tz = -1115.0; const int MBTSmodulesEBA [64] = { 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, // non-zero => MBTS module 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, // positive=outer(E5),neg=inner(E6) 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0}; const int MBTSmodulesEBC [64] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0}; // Spacing between barrel and Ext_Barrel const int EBA_LBA = 1336; const int EBC_LBC = 1270; // sector size and position const int sector_tz[4] = { 1410,-1410, 2820 + 1455 + EBA_LBA, -2820 - 1455 - EBC_LBC}; // positon of center of partition const int sector_dz[4] = { 1410, 1410, 1455, 1455}; /***************************** global variables *******************************/ int n_nodes = 0; int n_pmt = 0; int n_cell = 0; int n_holder = 0; int n_drawer = 0; bool draw_ebc = true; bool draw_eba = true; /***************************** class definition *******************************/ class grTileBase { private: TGeoVolume *m_GeoVolume; TGeoMaterial *m_GeoMaterial; TGeoMedium *m_GeoMedium; public: grTileBase(TGeoMedium *GeoMedium = NULL); }; class grTilePMT : public grTileBase { public: grTilePMT(float x1, float x2, float y, float z, bool isMBTS, TGeoMedium *GeoMedium = NULL); }; class grTileCell : public grTileBase { public: grTileCell(float x1, float x2, float y, float z, bool isMBTS, TGeoMedium *GeoMedium = NULL); }; class grTileDrawer : public grTileBase { private: TGeoTrd1 *cell_b[9]; TGeoTrd1 *cell_c[8]; TGeoTranslation *tr_b[9]; TGeoTranslation *tr_c[8]; public: grTileDrawer(int sector, TGeoMedium *GeoMedium = NULL); }; class grTileMBTS : public grTileBase { public: grTileMBTS(float x1, float x2, float y, float z, TGeoMedium *GeoMedium = NULL); }; class grTileSector : public grTileBase { public: grTileSector(int sector, TGeoMedium *GeoMedium = NULL); }; class grTileCal : public grTileBase { public: grTileCal(); }; /****************************** implementation ********************************/ // global functions string int2str(int value) { std::stringstream ss; ss << value; return ss.str(); } // grTileBase grTileBase::grTileBase(TGeoMedium *GeoMedium) { if (GeoMedium == NULL) { m_GeoMaterial = new TGeoMaterial("Material",0,0,0); m_GeoMedium = new TGeoMedium ("Medium",1,m_GeoMaterial); } else m_GeoMedium = GeoMedium; } // grTilePMT grTilePMT::grTilePMT(float x1, float x2, float y, float z, bool isMBTS, TGeoMedium *GeoMedium): grTileBase(GeoMedium) { string name = "PMT_" + int2str(n_pmt++); Double_t v[16] = {0}; if (isMBTS) { v[ 0] = -x2; v[ 1] = -z; v[ 2] = -x1; v[ 3] = z; v[ 4] = x1; v[ 5] = z; v[ 6] = x2; v[ 7] = -z; v[ 8] = -x2; v[ 9] = -z; v[10] = -x1; v[11] = z; v[12] = x1; v[13] = z; v[14] = x2; v[15] = -z; } else { v[ 0] = 0.0; v[ 1] = -z; v[ 2] = 0.0; v[ 3] = z; v[ 4] = x1; v[ 5] = z; v[ 6] = x2; v[ 7] = -z; v[ 8] = 0.0; v[ 9] = -z; v[10] = 0.0; v[11] = z; v[12] = x1; v[13] = z; v[14] = x2; v[15] = -z; } m_GeoVolume = gGeoManager->MakeArb8(name.c_str(), m_GeoMedium, y, v); } // grTileCell grTileCell::grTileCell(float x1, float x2, float y, float z, bool isMBTS, TGeoMedium *GeoMedium): grTileBase(GeoMedium) { string name = "Cell_" + int2str(n_cell++); m_GeoVolume = gGeoManager->MakeTrd1(name.c_str(), m_GeoMedium, x1, x2, y, z); if(isMBTS) m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTilePMT(x1, x2, y, z, true , GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoRotation("rotation", 0.0, -90.0, 0.0)); else { m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTilePMT(x1, x2, y, z, false, GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoRotation("rotation", 0.0, -90.0, 0.0)); m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTilePMT(x1, x2, y, z, false, GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoRotation("rotation", 180.0, -90.0, 0.0)); } } //grTileMBTS grTileMBTS::grTileMBTS(float x1, float x2, float y, float z ,TGeoMedium *GeoMedium): grTileBase(GeoMedium) { m_GeoMaterial->SetTransparency(80); string name = "MBTS__" + int2str(n_holder++); TGeoMaterial *GeoMaterial = new TGeoMaterial("Material",0,0,0); TGeoMedium *l_GeoMedium = new TGeoMedium ("Medium",1,GeoMaterial); m_GeoVolume = gGeoManager->MakeTrd1(name.c_str(), m_GeoMedium, x1, x2, y, z); m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileCell(x1, x2, y, z, true, l_GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0, 0, 0)); } // grTileDrawer grTileDrawer::grTileDrawer(int sector,TGeoMedium *GeoMedium): grTileBase(GeoMedium) { m_GeoMaterial->SetTransparency(80); string name = "Drawer_" + int2str(n_drawer++); m_GeoVolume = gGeoManager->MakeTrd1(name.c_str(), m_GeoMedium, 112.0, 188.9, 1410.0, 801.676); TGeoMaterial *GeoMaterial = new TGeoMaterial("Material",0,0,0); TGeoMedium *l_GeoMedium = new TGeoMedium ("Medium",1,GeoMaterial); if (sector < 3) // long barrels { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileCell(cell_a_b1, cell_a_b2, cell_a_dz[i], cell_a_dr, false, l_GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0, cell_a_tz[i], cell_a_tr)); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { string cb = "cb" + int2str(i+1); cell_b[i] = new TGeoTrd1(cb.c_str(), cell_b_b1, cell_b_b2, cell_b_dz[i], cell_b_dr); string tb = "tb" + int2str(i+1); tr_b[i] = new TGeoTranslation(tb.c_str(), 0, cell_b_tz[i], cell_b_tr); m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileCell(cell_b_b1, cell_b_b2, cell_b_dz[i], cell_b_dr, false, l_GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, tr_b[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { string cc = "cc" + int2str(i+1); cell_c[i] = new TGeoTrd1(cc.c_str(), cell_c_b1, cell_c_b2, cell_c_dz[i], cell_c_dr); string tc = "tc" + int2str(i+1); tr_c[i] = new TGeoTranslation(tc.c_str(),0, cell_c_tz[i], cell_c_tr); m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileCell(cell_c_b1, cell_c_b2, cell_c_dz[i], cell_c_dr, false, l_GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, tr_c[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i != 0 || sector == 1) m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileCell(cell_d_b1, cell_d_b2, cell_d_dz[i], cell_d_dr, false, l_GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0, cell_d_tz[i], cell_d_tr)); } // merge b,c cells for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { TGeoUnion *boolnode = new TGeoUnion(cell_b[i], cell_c[i], tr_b[i], tr_c[i]); TGeoCompositeShape *cs = new TGeoCompositeShape("cs",boolnode); string name = "Cell_" + int2str(n_cell++); TGeoVolume *cell = new TGeoVolume(name.c_str(),cs); m_GeoVolume->AddNode(cell, n_nodes++); Double_t or1[3] = {300,0,0}; TGeoBBox *box1 = new TGeoBBox("box1", 300, 800, 800, or1); TGeoSubtraction *subnode = new TGeoSubtraction(cs, box1, new TGeoTranslation(0,0,0), tr_b[i]); TGeoCompositeShape *pmt1 = new TGeoCompositeShape("pmt1", subnode); name = "PMT_" + int2str(n_pmt++); cell->AddNode(new TGeoVolume(name.c_str(),pmt1), n_nodes++); Double_t or2[3] = {-300,0,0}; TGeoBBox *box2 = new TGeoBBox("box2", 300, 800, 800, or2); TGeoSubtraction *subnode2 = new TGeoSubtraction((TGeoShape*)cs, box2, new TGeoTranslation(0,0,0), tr_b[i]); TGeoCompositeShape *pmt2 = new TGeoCompositeShape("pmt2", subnode2); name = "PMT_" + int2str(n_pmt++); cell->AddNode(new TGeoVolume(name.c_str(),pmt2), n_nodes++); } } else // extended barrels { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileCell(e_cell_a_b1, e_cell_a_b2, e_cell_a_dz[i], e_cell_a_dr, false, l_GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0, e_cell_a_tz[i], e_cell_a_tr)); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileCell(e_cell_b_b1, e_cell_b_b2, e_cell_b_dz[i], e_cell_b_dr, false, l_GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0, e_cell_b_tz[i], e_cell_b_tr)); } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileCell(e_cell_c_b1, e_cell_c_b2, e_cell_c_dz, e_cell_c_dr, false, l_GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0, e_cell_c_tz, e_cell_c_tr)); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileCell(e_cell_d_b1[i], e_cell_d_b2, e_cell_d_dz[i], e_cell_d_dr[i], false, l_GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0, e_cell_d_tz[i],e_cell_d_tr[i] )); } // gap scintilator m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileCell(e_cell_gap_b1, e_cell_gap_b2, e_cell_gap_dz, e_cell_gap_dr, false, l_GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0, e_cell_gap_tz, e_cell_gap_tr)); // crack scintilator (cryostat) m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileCell(e_cell_crack_b1, e_cell_crack_b2, e_cell_crack_dz, e_cell_crack_dr, false, l_GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0, e_cell_crack_tz, e_cell_crack_tr)); } if (sector == 4 && draw_ebc && EBC_LBC > 0) { draw_ebc = false; TGeoVolume *ebc = gGeoManager->MakePcon("ebc", m_GeoMedium, 0.0, 360, 2); TGeoPcon *pcon = (TGeoPcon*)(ebc->GetShape()); pcon->DefineSection(0, -sector_dz[3], 2280.0, 3886.352); pcon->DefineSection(1, +sector_dz[3], 2280.0, 3886.352); TGeoRotation *rot = new TGeoRotation ("rot", 0, -90.0, 360.0/128.0); TGeoCombiTrans *comb = new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, -3081.676, rot); m_GeoVolume->AddNode(ebc, 0, comb); } if (sector == 3 && draw_eba && EBA_LBA > 0) { draw_eba = false; TGeoVolume *eba = gGeoManager->MakePcon("eba", m_GeoMedium, 0.0, 360, 2); TGeoPcon *pcon = (TGeoPcon*)(eba->GetShape()); pcon->DefineSection(0, -sector_dz[3], 2280.0, 3886.352); pcon->DefineSection(1, +sector_dz[3], 2280.0, 3886.352); TGeoRotation *rot = new TGeoRotation ("rot", 0, -90.0, 360.0/128.0); TGeoCombiTrans *comb = new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, -3081.676, rot); m_GeoVolume->AddNode(eba, 0, comb); } } // grTileSector grTileSector::grTileSector(int sector, TGeoMedium *GeoMedium): grTileBase(GeoMedium) { m_GeoMaterial->SetTransparency(80); string name = "Sector_" + int2str(sector); m_GeoVolume = gGeoManager->MakeTube(name.c_str(), m_GeoMedium, 2280.0, 3886.352, sector_dz[sector-1]); float ang = 0.0; int i_MBTS; float zOffset=0; if (sector == 1 || sector == 3) ang = 180.0; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { TGeoRotation *rot = new TGeoRotation ("rot", 360.0*i/64.0 - 90.0 + 360.0/128.0, -90.0, ang); TGeoCombiTrans *comb = new TGeoCombiTrans(3081.676*cos(2.0*pi*i/64.0 + 2.0*pi/128.0), 3081.676*sin(2.0*pi*i/64.0 + 2.0*pi/128.0), 0, rot); m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileDrawer(sector))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, comb); if (sector > 2) { i_MBTS = (int)(i/8); i_MBTS *= 8; // MBTS offset from center of Extended Barrell (this should not change) if (sector == 3) zOffset = e_cell_mbts_tz; if (sector == 4) zOffset = -1 * e_cell_mbts_tz; // MBTS scintillator (outer) if( (sector==3 && MBTSmodulesEBA[i]==1) || (sector==4 && MBTSmodulesEBC[i]==1) ) { TGeoRotation *rotMBTS = new TGeoRotation("rotMBTS",i_MBTS*360/64+360/16 - 90, -90, ang); TGeoCombiTrans *combMBTS = new TGeoCombiTrans(658*cos(2.0*pi*(i_MBTS/64.0+1./16)),658*sin(2.0*pi*(i_MBTS/64.0+1./16)),zOffset,rotMBTS); m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileMBTS(e_cell_mbts_b1[0], e_cell_mbts_b2[0], e_cell_mbts_dz, e_cell_mbts_dr[0], GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, combMBTS); } else m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileMBTS(0, 0, 0, 0, GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0,0,0)); // MBTS scintillator (inner) if( (sector==3 && MBTSmodulesEBA[i]==2) || (sector==4 && MBTSmodulesEBC[i]==2) ) { TGeoRotation *rotMBTS = new TGeoRotation("rotMBTS",i_MBTS*360/64+360/16 - 90,-90, ang); TGeoCombiTrans *combMBTS = new TGeoCombiTrans(289.5*cos(2.0*pi*(i_MBTS/64.0+1./16)),289.5*sin(2.0*pi*(i_MBTS/64.0+1./16)),zOffset,rotMBTS); m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileMBTS(e_cell_mbts_b1[1], e_cell_mbts_b2[1], e_cell_mbts_dz, e_cell_mbts_dr[1], GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, combMBTS); } else // Draw placeholder MBTS with volume=0 m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileMBTS(0, 0, 0, 0, GeoMedium))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0,0,0)); } } } // grTileCal grTileCal::grTileCal(): grTileBase() { TGeoVolume *m_GeoVolume = gGeoManager->MakePcon("TileCal", m_GeoMedium, 0.0, 360, 2); TGeoPcon *pcon = (TGeoPcon*)(m_GeoVolume->GetShape()); if (EBC_LBC > 0) pcon->DefineSection(0, sector_tz[1]-sector_dz[1],2280,3886.352); else pcon->DefineSection(0, sector_tz[3]-sector_dz[3],2280,3886.352); if (EBA_LBA > 0) pcon->DefineSection(1, sector_tz[0]+sector_dz[0],2280,3886.352); else pcon->DefineSection(1, sector_tz[2]+sector_dz[2],2280,3886.352); gGeoManager->SetNsegments(64); m_GeoMaterial->SetTransparency(80); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_GeoVolume->AddNode((new grTileSector(i+1))->m_GeoVolume, n_nodes++, new TGeoTranslation(0,0,sector_tz[i])); } gGeoManager->SetTopVolume(m_GeoVolume); gGeoManager->CloseGeometry(); gGeoManager->SetTopVisible(); m_GeoVolume->Draw(); } // build function void build() { new grTileCal(); gGeoManager->Export("TileGeom.root"); }