#include "constants.txt" //******************************************// //*******Analytical solution Function*******// //******************************************// double OscP_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double P = 0.0; double Enu = x[0]; // GeV double za = par[0]; double t1 = par[1]; double t2 = par[2]; int idx = par[3]; // 0 mu->e, 1 mu->mu, 2 mu->tau int sel = par[4]; // 0 Magnus 1st; 1 Magnus 2nd order double dCP = deltaCP*c_pi/180.; TComplex gamma33 = TComplex(cos(dCP), sin(dCP)); TComplex gamma33cc = TComplex(cos(dCP),-sin(dCP)); //**Gamma matrix TComplex GMatrix[3][3]; TComplex GMatrixcc[3][3]; for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++){ GMatrix[i][j] = TComplex(0.0,0.0); GMatrixcc[i][j] = TComplex(0.0,0.0); } GMatrix[0][0] = TComplex(1.0,0.0); GMatrix[1][1] = TComplex(1.0,0.0); GMatrix[2][2] = gamma33; GMatrixcc[0][0] = TComplex(1.0,0.0); GMatrixcc[1][1] = TComplex(1.0,0.0); GMatrixcc[2][2] = gamma33cc; double re, im; //-the phase factors: alpha1, alpha2, alpha3 (Integrated approximated eigenvalues) TF1 *fffI3t = new TF1("fffI3t",alphaL_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,4); fffI3t->SetParameter(0,za); fffI3t->SetParameter(1,Enu); fffI3t->SetParameter(2,t1); fffI3t->SetParameter(3,1); // select I1(=alphaL_1 = alpha1) double alpha1 = fffI3t->Eval(t2); TF1 *fffI12t = new TF1("fffI12t",alphaL_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,4); fffI12t->SetParameter(0,za); fffI12t->SetParameter(1,Enu); fffI12t->SetParameter(2,t1); fffI12t->SetParameter(3,3); // select I_3(= alpha2) double alpha2 = fffI12t->Eval(t2); TF1 *fffI1t = new TF1("fffI1t",alphaH_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,4); fffI1t->SetParameter(0,za); fffI1t->SetParameter(1,Enu); fffI1t->SetParameter(2,t1); fffI1t->SetParameter(3,3); // select I3(=alphaH_3 = alpha3) double alpha3 = fffI1t->Eval(t2); //**P(tf,t0) matrix. Added by M.A.AceroO. (9.Apr.2011) TComplex PMatrix[3][3]; for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j ++) PMatrix[i][j] = TComplex(0.0,0.0); PMatrix[0][0] = TComplex(cos(alpha1),-sin(alpha1)); PMatrix[1][1] = TComplex(cos(alpha2),-sin(alpha2)); PMatrix[2][2] = TComplex(cos(alpha3),-sin(alpha3)); //- the mixing matrix in matter TComplex Um[3][3]; TComplex Umcc[3][3]; TF1 *ffUm = new TF1("ffUm",Umatt_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,5); ffUm->SetParameter(0,za); ffUm->SetParameter(1,Enu); for (int i=0;i<3;i++){ for (int j=0;j<3;j++){ ffUm->SetParameter(2,i); // flav idx ffUm->SetParameter(3,j); // mass idx ffUm->SetParameter(4,0); // Re part re = ffUm->Eval(t1); ffUm->SetParameter(4,1); // Im part im = ffUm->Eval(t1); Um[i][j] = TComplex(re,im); Umcc[i][j] = TComplex(re,-im); } } TComplex ULop0[3]; TComplex ULop0cc[3]; TF1 *ffuLOp0 = new TF1("ffuLOp0",u_33_11_12_JC,0,Enu_max,6); ffuLOp0->SetParameter(0,za); ffuLOp0->SetParameter(1,t1); //*Lower limit set to the initial time ffuLOp0->SetParameter(2,0.); //*Upper limit set to 'tbar' ffuLOp0->SetParameter(5,sel); for (int i=0;i<3;i++){ ffuLOp0->SetParameter(3,i); ffuLOp0->SetParameter(4,0); // Re part re = ffuLOp0->Eval(Enu); ffuLOp0->SetParameter(4,1); // Im part im = ffuLOp0->Eval(Enu); ULop0[i] = TComplex(re,im); ULop0cc[i] = TComplex(re,-im); } //**Added by M.A.AceroO. (8.Apr.2011)* TComplex UL0_Mat[3][3]; for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++){ UL0_Mat[i][j] = TComplex(0.0,0.0); } UL0_Mat[0][0] = ULop0[1]; UL0_Mat[1][1] = ULop0cc[1]; UL0_Mat[0][1] = ULop0[2]; UL0_Mat[1][0] =-ULop0cc[2]; UL0_Mat[2][2] = TComplex(1.0,0.0); //************************************ //**Added by M.A.AceroO. (27.Jul.2011)* double real = 0.0; double imag = 0.0; TF1 *fun_Ph21t = new TF1("fun_Ph21t",Phi21ofT_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,3); fun_Ph21t->SetParameter(0,za); fun_Ph21t->SetParameter(1,Enu); //fun_Ph21t->SetParameter(2,t1); fun_Ph21t->SetParameter(2,tlohi[0]); double Phi21 = fun_Ph21t->Eval(0.); real = cos(2.0*Phi21); imag = sin(2.0*Phi21); TComplex Phi_phase = TComplex(real,-imag); TComplex Phi_phase_CC= TComplex(real, imag); TComplex ULf_Mat[3][3]; for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++){ ULf_Mat[i][j] = TComplex(0.0,0.0); } ULf_Mat[0][0] = UL0_Mat[0][0]; ULf_Mat[1][1] = UL0_Mat[1][1]; ULf_Mat[0][1] = UL0_Mat[1][0]*Phi_phase; ULf_Mat[1][0] = UL0_Mat[0][1]*Phi_phase_CC; ULf_Mat[2][2] = TComplex(1.0,0.0); //************************************ TComplex UHop[3]; TComplex UHopcc[3]; TF1 *ffuHOp = new TF1("ffuHOp",u_11_22_23_JC,0,Enu_max,6); ffuHOp->SetParameter(0,za); ffuHOp->SetParameter(1,t1); ffuHOp->SetParameter(2,t2); ffuHOp->SetParameter(5,sel); for (int i=0;i<3;i++){ ffuHOp->SetParameter(3,i); ffuHOp->SetParameter(4,0); // Re part re = ffuHOp->Eval(Enu); ffuHOp->SetParameter(4,1); // Im part im = ffuHOp->Eval(Enu); UHop[i] = TComplex(re,im); UHopcc[i] = TComplex(re,-im); } //**Added by M.A.AceroO. (8.Apr.2011)* TComplex UH_Mat[3][3]; for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++){ UH_Mat[i][j] = TComplex(0.0,0.0); } UH_Mat[0][0] = UHop[0]; UH_Mat[1][1] = UHop[1]; UH_Mat[2][2] = UHopcc[1]; UH_Mat[1][2] = UHop[2]; UH_Mat[2][1] =-UHopcc[2]; //************************************ //**Added by M.A.AceroO. (8.Apr.2011)* //**Matrix to define the Up operator //**Up = UL(tf,tbar)*UH(tf,t0)*UL(tbar,t0) TComplex UPoperator[3][3],temp[3][3]; for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++){ for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++){ UPoperator[i][j] = TComplex(0.0,0.0); } } for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++) for(int k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++) for(int l = 0 ; l < 3 ; l++) UPoperator[i][j] += ULf_Mat[i][k]*UH_Mat[k][l]*UL0_Mat[l][j]; //**Total Evolution operator UT(tf,t0). Added by M.A.AceroO. (9.Apr.2011) //**UT(tf,t0) = Gamma*PMatrix(tf,t0)*Up(tf,t0)*Gamma^+ TComplex EvolOperator[3][3],A1[3][3],B1[3][3]; for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++){ for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++){ EvolOperator[i][j] = TComplex(0.0,0.0); A1[i][j] = TComplex(0.0,0.0); B1[i][j] = TComplex(0.0,0.0); } } for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++) for(int k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++) A1[i][j] += GMatrix[i][k]*PMatrix[k][j]; for(int k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++) for(int l = 0 ; l < 3 ; l++) for(int m = 0 ; m < 3 ; m++) B1[k][l] += UPoperator[k][m]*GMatrixcc[m][l]; for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++) for(int k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k++) EvolOperator[i][j] += A1[i][k]*B1[k][j]; //calculate the oscillation amplitudes TComplex Amp[3]; //**Modified by M.A.AceroO. (9.Abr.2011) for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++){ Amp[i] = Um[i][0]* ( Umcc[1][0]*EvolOperator[0][0] + Umcc[1][1]*EvolOperator[0][1] + Umcc[1][2]*EvolOperator[0][2] ) + Um[i][1]* ( Umcc[1][0]*EvolOperator[1][0] + Umcc[1][1]*EvolOperator[1][1] + Umcc[1][2]*EvolOperator[1][2] ) + Um[i][2]* ( Umcc[1][0]*EvolOperator[2][0] + Umcc[1][1]*EvolOperator[2][1] + Umcc[1][2]*EvolOperator[2][2] ); } if (idx == 0) P = Amp[0].Rho2(); else if (idx == 1) P = Amp[1].Rho2(); else if (idx == 2) P = Amp[2].Rho2(); printf("The oscilation probability is P = %5.2f \n",P); return P; }// end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double u_33_11_12_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double Enu = x[0]; // GeV double U = 0.0; double za = par[0]; double t1 = par[1]; double t2 = par[2]; int idx = par[3]; // 0 u33, 1 u11, 2 u12 int reim = par[4]; // 0 Re part, 1 Im part, 2 Im part of cc int sel = par[5]; // 0 1st order Magnus; 1 2nd order Magnus double dcp = deltaCP*c_pi/180.0; double s = 1.; if (sel == 0) s = 0.; TF1 *ggggPh21t = new TF1("ggggPh21t",Phi21ofT_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,3); ggggPh21t->SetParameter(0,za); ggggPh21t->SetParameter(1,Enu); ggggPh21t->SetParameter(2,t1); double Phi21 = ggggPh21t->Eval(t2); //** t2 = tbar = 0.0 //**************************************************************************// TF1 *ggXi12Enu = new TF1("ggXi12Enu",Xi12LowofE_JC,0,Enu_max,4); ggXi12Enu->SetParameter(0,za); ggXi12Enu->SetParameter(1,t1); ggXi12Enu->SetParameter(2,t2); //upper limit set to tbar (= t2) ggXi12Enu->SetParameter(3,0); // re part (xi_y) double Xiy = ggXi12Enu->Eval(Enu); ggXi12Enu->SetParameter(3,1); // im part (xi_x) double Xix = -1.0*ggXi12Enu->Eval(Enu); TF1 *ggXi3Enu = new TF1("ggXi3Enu",Xi3ofE_JC,0,Enu_max,4); ggXi3Enu->SetParameter(0,za); ggXi3Enu->SetParameter(1,t1); ggXi3Enu->SetParameter(2,t2); //upper limit set to tbar (= t2) ggXi3Enu->SetParameter(3,0); double Xi3 = s*ggXi3Enu->Eval(Enu); double Xi12 = Xiy**2 + Xix**2; //double Xi = sqrt( Xi12**2 + Xi3**2 ); double Xi = sqrt( Xi12 + Xi3**2 ); double sinXiovXi = 1.0; if ( Xi != 0 ) sinXiovXi = sin(Xi)/Xi; if (idx == 0) { if (reim == 0) U = cos(0.0); else if (reim == 1) U = -sin(0.0); else if (reim == 2) U = sin(0.0); } else if (idx == 1) { if (reim == 0) U = cos(Xi); else if (reim == 1) U = -sinXiovXi*Xi3; else if (reim == 2) U = sinXiovXi*Xi3; } else if (idx == 2) { if (reim == 0) U = -sinXiovXi*Xiy; else if (reim == 1) U = -sinXiovXi*Xix; else if (reim == 2) U = sinXiovXi*Xix; } //*****************************************************************************// return U; } // end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double u_11_22_23_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double Enu = x[0]; // GeV double U = 0.0; double za = par[0]; double t1 = par[1]; double t2 = par[2]; int idx = par[3]; // 0 u11, 1 u22, 2 u23 int reim = par[4]; // 0 Re part, 1 Im part, 2 Im part of cc int sel = par[5]; // 0 1st order Magnus; 1 2nd order Magnus double dcp = deltaCP*c_pi/180.0; double s = 1.; if (sel == 0) s = 0.; TF1 *ffI1t = new TF1("ffI1t",alphaH_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,4); ffI1t->SetParameter(0,za); ffI1t->SetParameter(1,Enu); ffI1t->SetParameter(2,t1); ffI1t->SetParameter(3,1); // selects alpha1_H = I1 double I1 = ffI1t->Eval(t2); TF1 *ffI23t = new TF1("ffI23t",alphaH_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,4); ffI23t->SetParameter(0,za); ffI23t->SetParameter(1,Enu); ffI23t->SetParameter(2,t1); ffI23t->SetParameter(3,4); // selects I23 double I23 = ffI23t->Eval(t2); TF1 *ffffPh32t = new TF1("ffffPh32t",Phi32ofT_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,3); ffffPh32t->SetParameter(0,za); ffffPh32t->SetParameter(1,Enu); ffffPh32t->SetParameter(2,0); // low lim of integ for phi set to "tbar" //ffffPh32t->SetParameter(2,t1); double Phi32 = ffffPh32t->Eval(t2); TF1 *ffXi12Enu = new TF1("ffXi12Enu",Xi12HighofE_JC,0,Enu_max,3); ffXi12Enu->SetParameter(0,za); ffXi12Enu->SetParameter(1,0); // low lim of integ set to "tbar" //ffXi12Enu->SetParameter(1,t1); ffXi12Enu->SetParameter(2,t2); double Xi12 = ffXi12Enu->Eval(Enu); TF1 *ffXi3Enu = new TF1("ffXi3Enu",Xi3ofE_JC,0,Enu_max,4); ffXi3Enu->SetParameter(0,za); ffXi3Enu->SetParameter(1,t1); ffXi3Enu->SetParameter(2,t2); ffXi3Enu->SetParameter(3,1); double Xi3 = s*ffXi3Enu->Eval(Enu); double Xi = sqrt( Xi12**2 + Xi3**2 ); double sinXiovXi = 1.0; if ( Xi != 0 ) sinXiovXi = sin(Xi)/Xi; if (idx == 0) { if (reim == 0) U = cos(0.0); else if (reim == 1) U = -sin(0.0); else if (reim == 2) U = sin(0.0); } else if (idx == 1) { if (reim == 0) U = cos(Xi); else if (reim == 1) U =-sinXiovXi*Xi3; else if (reim == 2) U = sinXiovXi*Xi3; } else if (idx == 2) { if (reim == 0) U = sin(Phi32)*sinXiovXi*Xi12; else if (reim == 1) U = cos(Phi32)*sinXiovXi*Xi12; else if (reim == 2) U =-cos(Phi32)*sinXiovXi*Xi12; } return U; } // end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double Xi3ofE_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double Enu = x[0]; //GeV double za = par[0]; double t1 = par[1]; double t2 = par[2]; double sel = par[3]; // 0 low, 1 high //int sel2 = par[4]; double X = 0.0; if (sel == 0){ TF1 *fffThmijt = new TF1("fffThmijt",Thetam12_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); fffThmijt->SetParameter(0,za); fffThmijt->SetParameter(1,Enu); }else if (sel == 1){ TF1 *fffThmijt = new TF1("fffThmijt",Thetam13_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); fffThmijt->SetParameter(0,za); fffThmijt->SetParameter(1,Enu); } TF1 *ffXi3At = new TF1("ffXi3At",Xi3_AofT_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,4); ffXi3At->SetParameter(0,za); ffXi3At->SetParameter(1,Enu); ffXi3At->SetParameter(2,t1); ffXi3At->SetParameter(3,sel); //- Calculate integral using delta functions double II = 0.0; double z = 1.0; for (int i=1; i<2*Nshells;i++){ double tc = times[2*Nshells-1 - i ]; double tn = times[2*Nshells-1 -(i-1)]; if (i == 1) z = 0.0; else z = 1.0; //Checking: //printf("\n sel2 = %d, t1 = %f , t2 = %f \n",sel2,t1,t2); if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( ffXi3At->Eval(tc)-z*ffXi3At->Eval(tn) ) ); else if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( -z*ffXi3At->Eval(tn) ) ); if (t2Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( ffXi3At->Eval(tc)-z*ffXi3At->Eval(tn) ) ); else if (t2Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( -z*ffXi3At->Eval(tn) ) ); } X = II; return X; }// end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double Xi3_AofT_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double t2 = x[0]; double za = par[0]; double Enu = par[1]; double t1 = par[2]; int sel = par[3]; // 0 low, 1 high double X = 0.0; if (sel == 0 ){ TF1 *ffThmijt = new TF1("ffThmijt",Thetam12_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); ffThmijt->SetParameter(0,za); ffThmijt->SetParameter(1,Enu); TF1 *fffhPhjkt = new TF1("fffhPhjkt",Phi21ofT_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,3); fffhPhjkt->SetParameter(0,za); fffhPhjkt->SetParameter(1,Enu); fffhPhjkt->SetParameter(2,t2); } else if (sel == 1){ TF1 *ffThmijt = new TF1("ffThmijt",Thetam13_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); ffThmijt->SetParameter(0,za); ffThmijt->SetParameter(1,Enu); TF1 *fffhPhjkt = new TF1("fffhPhjkt",Phi32ofT_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,3); fffhPhjkt->SetParameter(0,za); fffhPhjkt->SetParameter(1,Enu); fffhPhjkt->SetParameter(2,t2); } //- Calculate integral using delta functions double II = 0.0; double z = 1.0; for (int i=1; i<2*Nshells;i++){ double tc = times[2*Nshells-1 - i ]; double tn = times[2*Nshells-1 -(i-1)]; if (i == 1) z = 0.0; else z = 1.0; if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( sin(fffhPhjkt->Eval(tc))-z*sin(fffhPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); else if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( -z*sin(fffhPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); if (t2Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( sin(fffhPhjkt->Eval(tc))-z*sin(fffhPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); else if (t2Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( -z*sin(fffhPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); } X = II; return X; }// end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double Xi12LowofE_JC(double *x, double *par)//**Modified version by M.A.AceroO. (27.Jul.2011) {// begin double Enu = x[0]; //GeV double za = par[0]; double t1 = par[1]; double t2 = par[2]; int sel = par[3]; // 0 re; 1 im double Xl = 0.0; double II = 0.0; double z = 1.0; TF1 *ffThmijt = new TF1("ffThmijt",Thetam12_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); ffThmijt->SetParameter(0,za); ffThmijt->SetParameter(1,Enu); TF1 *fffPhjkt = new TF1("fffPhjkt",Phi21ofT_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,3); fffPhjkt->SetParameter(0,za); fffPhjkt->SetParameter(1,Enu); fffPhjkt->SetParameter(2,t1); //**29.Jul.2011 //- Calculate integral using delta functions for (int i=1; i<2*Nshells;i++){ double tc = times[2*Nshells-1 - i ]; double tn = times[2*Nshells-1 -(i-1)]; if (i == 1) z = 0.0; else z = 1.0; if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tc))-z*sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); else if (sel == 0) II += ( ffThmijt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( cos(fffPhjkt->Eval(tc))-z*cos(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); } else if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( -z*sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); else if (sel == 0) II += ( ffThmijt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( -z*cos(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); } if (t2Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tc))-z*sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); else if (sel == 0) II -= ( ffThmijt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( cos(fffPhjkt->Eval(tc))-z*cos(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); } else if (t2Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( -z*sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); else if (sel == 0) II -= ( ffThmijt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( -z*cos(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); } } Xl = II; return Xl; }// end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double Xi12HighofE_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double Enu = x[0]; //GeV double za = par[0]; double t1 = par[1]; double t2 = par[2]; double Xh = 0.0; double II = 0.0; double z = 1.0; TF1 *ffThmijt = new TF1("ffThmijt",Thetam13_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); ffThmijt->SetParameter(0,za); ffThmijt->SetParameter(1,Enu); TF1 *fffPhjkt = new TF1("fffPhjkt",Phi32ofT_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,3); fffPhjkt->SetParameter(0,za); fffPhjkt->SetParameter(1,Enu); fffPhjkt->SetParameter(2,t1); //- Calculate integral using delta functions for (int i=1; i<2*Nshells;i++){ double tc = times[2*Nshells-1 - i ]; double tn = times[2*Nshells-1 -(i-1)]; if (i == 1) z = 0.0; else z = 1.0; if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tc))-z*sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); else if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( -z*sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); if (t2Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tc))-z*sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); else if (t2Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(c_pi/180.)* ( -z*sin(fffPhjkt->Eval(tn)) ) ); } Xh = 2*II; return Xh; }// end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double Phi21ofT_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double P = 0.0; double t = x[0]; double za = par[0]; double Enu = par[1]; double t1 = par[2]; TF1 *llDm21_t = new TF1("llDm21_t",Deltam21_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); llDm21_t->SetParameter(0,za); llDm21_t->SetParameter(1,Enu); //- Calculate area under step function Deltam32 for (int i=1; i<2*Nshells;i++){ double tc = times[2*Nshells-1 - i ]; double tn = times[2*Nshells-1 -(i-1)]; if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(tn-tc)*c_light/hbarc; else if (t1Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))*(tn-t1)*c_light/hbarc; if (tEval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(tn-tc)*c_light/hbarc; else if (tEval(0.5*(t+tn))*(tn-t)*c_light/hbarc; } return P; }// end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double Phi32ofT_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double P = 0.0; double t = x[0]; double za = par[0]; double Enu = par[1]; double t1 = par[2]; TF1 *ffDm32_t = new TF1("ffDm32_t",Deltam32_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); ffDm32_t->SetParameter(0,za); ffDm32_t->SetParameter(1,Enu); //- Calculate area under step function Deltam32 for (int i=1; i<2*Nshells;i++){ double tc = times[2*Nshells-1 - i ]; double tn = times[2*Nshells-1 -(i-1)]; if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(tn-tc)*c_light/hbarc; else if (t1Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))*(tn-t1)*c_light/hbarc; if (tEval(0.5*(tc+tn))*(tn-tc)*c_light/hbarc; else if (tEval(0.5*(t+tn))*(tn-t)*c_light/hbarc; } return P; }// end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double alphaL_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin // Idx = 1 is alpha_1 // Idx = 2 is alpha_2 // Idx = 3 is alpha_3 = I_3 // Idx = 4 is I_12 double A = 0.0; double t = x[0]; double za = par[0]; double Enu = par[1]; double t1 = par[2]; int idx = par[3]; double th12 = theta_12*c_pi/180.; double th13 = theta_13*c_pi/180.; double s12 = sin(th12); double c12 = cos(th12); double s13 = sin(th13); double c13 = cos(th13); double D21 = dmsq21/(2*Enu); double D31 = dmsq31/(2*Enu); TF1 *llVt = new TF1("llVt", Vpotential_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,1); llVt->SetParameter(0,za); TF1 *llDm21t = new TF1("llDm21t",Deltam21_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); llDm21t->SetParameter(0,za); llDm21t->SetParameter(1,Enu); TF1 *llDm32t = new TF1("llDm32t",Deltam32_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); llDm32t->SetParameter(0,za); llDm32t->SetParameter(1,Enu); //- Calculate area under step function //** Modified by M.A.AceroO. (9.Apr.2011) //** idx = 3 selects alpha2 for the approximated total eigenvalue. double ZZ = 0.; for (int i=1; i<2*Nshells;i++){ double tc = times[2*Nshells-1 - i ]; double tn = times[2*Nshells-1 -(i-1)]; if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*c13**2-llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 2) ZZ = 0.5*(D21+llVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*c13**2+llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 3) ZZ = 0.5*(D31+llVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*s13**2+D21*c12**2 + llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))-llDm32t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 4) ZZ = 0.5*(D21+llVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*c13**2); A += ZZ*(tn-tc)*c_light/hbarc; } else if (t1Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))*c13**2-llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))); else if (idx == 2) ZZ = 0.5*(D21+llVt->Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))*c13**2+llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))); else if (idx == 3) ZZ = 0.5*(D31+llVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*s13**2+D21*c12**2 + llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))-llDm32t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 4) ZZ = 0.5*(D21+llVt->Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))*c13**2); A += ZZ*(tn-t1)*c_light/hbarc; } if (tEval(0.5*(tc+tn))*c13**2-llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 2) ZZ = 0.5*(D21+llVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*c13**2+llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 3) ZZ = 0.5*(D31+llVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*s13**2+D21*c12**2 + llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))-llDm32t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 4) ZZ = 0.5*(D21+llVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*c13**2); A -= ZZ*(tn-tc)*c_light/hbarc; } else if (tEval(0.5*(t+tn))*c13**2-llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(t+tn))); else if (idx == 2) ZZ = 0.5*(D21+llVt->Eval(0.5*(t+tn))*c13**2+llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(t+tn))); else if (idx == 3) ZZ = 0.5*(D31+llVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))*s13**2+D21*c12**2 + llDm21t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))-llDm32t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 4) ZZ = 0.5*(D21+llVt->Eval(0.5*(t+tn))*c13**2); A -= ZZ*(tn-t)*c_light/hbarc; } } return A; }// end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double alphaH_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin // Idx = 1 is alpha_1 = I_1 // Idx = 2 is alpha_2 // Idx = 3 is alpha_3 // Idx = 4 is I_23 double A = 0.0; double t = x[0]; double za = par[0]; double Enu = par[1]; double t1 = par[2]; int idx = par[3]; double th12 = theta_12*c_pi/180.; double s12 = sin(th12); double c12 = cos(th12); double D21 = dmsq21/(2*Enu); double D31 = dmsq31/(2*Enu); TF1 *ffVt = new TF1("ffVt", Vpotential_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,1); ffVt->SetParameter(0,za); TF1 *ffDm32t = new TF1("ffDm32t",Deltam32_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); ffDm32t->SetParameter(0,za); ffDm32t->SetParameter(1,Enu); //- Calculate area under step function double ZZ = 0.; for (int i=1; i<2*Nshells;i++){ double tc = times[2*Nshells-1 - i ]; double tn = times[2*Nshells-1 -(i-1)]; if (t1Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2-ffDm32t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 3) ZZ = 0.5*(ffVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2+ffDm32t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 4) ZZ = 0.5*(ffVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2); A += ZZ*(tn-tc)*c_light/hbarc; } else if (t1Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2-ffDm32t->Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))); else if (idx == 3) ZZ = 0.5*(ffVt->Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2+ffDm32t->Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))); else if (idx == 4) ZZ = 0.5*(ffVt->Eval(0.5*(t1+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2); A += ZZ*(tn-t1)*c_light/hbarc; } if (tEval(0.5*(tc+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2-ffDm32t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 3) ZZ = 0.5*(ffVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2+ffDm32t->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))); else if (idx == 4) ZZ = 0.5*(ffVt->Eval(0.5*(tc+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2); A -= ZZ*(tn-tc)*c_light/hbarc; } else if (tEval(0.5*(t+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2-ffDm32t->Eval(0.5*(t+tn))); else if (idx == 3) ZZ = 0.5*(ffVt->Eval(0.5*(t+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2+ffDm32t->Eval(0.5*(t+tn))); else if (idx == 4) ZZ = 0.5*(ffVt->Eval(0.5*(t+tn))+D31+D21*s12**2); A -= ZZ*(tn-t)*c_light/hbarc; } } return A; }// end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double Deltam21_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double D = 0.0; double t = x[0]; double za = par[0]; double Enu = par[1]; double th13 = theta_13*c_pi/180.; double c13 = cos(th13); TF1 *lVt = new TF1("lVt", Vpotential_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,1); lVt->SetParameter(0,za); double Vt = lVt->Eval(t); TF1 *llVl = new TF1("llVl", VlowRes_JC,0.0,Enu_max,0); double Vl = llVl->Eval(Enu); double Bl = Vl*tan(2* theta_12*c_pi/180.); D = c13**2*sqrt( (Vt-Vl)**2 + Bl**2 ); return D; }//end double Deltam32_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double D = 0.0; double t = x[0]; double za = par[0]; double Enu = par[1]; TF1 *fVt = new TF1("fVt", Vpotential_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,1); fVt->SetParameter(0,za); double Vt = fVt->Eval(t); TF1 *ffVh = new TF1("ffVh", VhighRes_JC,0.0,Enu_max,0); double Vh = ffVh->Eval(Enu); double Bh = Vh*tan(2* theta_13*c_pi/180.); D = sqrt( (Vt-Vh)**2 + Bh**2 ); return D; }//end double Umatt_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin bool Fix_c12m = false; double U = 0.0; double t = x[0]; double za = par[0]; double Enu = par[1]; int idx_f = par[2]; // 0 e, 1 mu, 2 tau int idx_m = par[3]; // 0 m1, 1 m2, 2 m3 int reim = par[4]; // 0 Re part, 1 Im part, 2 Im part of cc double th23 = theta_23*c_pi/180.; double s23 = sin(th23); double c23 = cos(th23); double thm12 = c_pi/2; if (!Fix_c12m){ TF1 *ffThm12t = new TF1("ffThm12t",Thetam12_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); ffThm12t->SetParameter(0,za); ffThm12t->SetParameter(1,Enu); thm12 = ffThm12t->Eval(t)*c_pi/180.; } TF1 *ffThm13t = new TF1("ffThm13t",Thetam13_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,2); ffThm13t->SetParameter(0,za); ffThm13t->SetParameter(1,Enu); double thm13 = ffThm13t->Eval(t)*c_pi/180.; double c12m = cos(thm12); double s12m = sin(thm12); double c13m = cos(thm13); double s13m = sin(thm13); double d = deltaCP*c_pi/180.; // The Mixing matrix in matter: if (idx_f == 0){// electron row if (idx_m == 0){ if (reim == 0) U = c12m*c13m; else if (reim == 1) U = 0.0; else if (reim == 2) U = 0.0; } else if (idx_m == 1){ if (reim == 0) U = s12m*c13m; else if (reim == 1) U = 0.0; else if (reim == 2) U = 0.0; } else if (idx_m == 2){ if (reim == 0) U = s13m*cos(d); else if (reim == 1) U =-s13m*sin(d); else if (reim == 2) U = s13m*sin(d); } } else if (idx_f == 1){// muon row if (idx_m == 0){ if (reim == 0) U = -s12m*c23-c12m*s23*s13m*cos(d); else if (reim == 1) U = -c12m*s23*s13m*sin(d); else if (reim == 2) U = c12m*s23*s13m*sin(d); } else if (idx_m == 1){ if (reim == 0) U = c12m*c23-s12m*s23*s13m*cos(d); else if (reim == 1) U = -s12m*s23*s13m*sin(d); else if (reim == 2) U = s12m*s23*s13m*sin(d); } else if (idx_m == 2){ if (reim == 0) U = s23*c13m; else if (reim == 1) U = 0.0; else if (reim == 2) U = 0.0; } } else if (idx_f == 2){// tau row if (idx_m == 0){ if (reim == 0) U = s12m*s23-c12m*c23*s13m*cos(d); else if (reim == 1) U = -c12m*c23*s13m*sin(d); else if (reim == 2) U = c12m*c23*s13m*sin(d); } else if (idx_m == 1){ if (reim == 0) U = -c12m*s23-s12m*c23*s13m*cos(d); else if (reim == 1) U = -s12m*c23*s13m*sin(d); else if (reim == 2) U = s12m*c23*s13m*sin(d); } else if (idx_m == 2){ if (reim == 0) U = c23*c13m; else if (reim == 1) U = 0.0; else if (reim == 2) U = 0.0; } } return U; }// end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double Thetam12_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double T = 0.0; double t = x[0]; double za = par[0]; double Enu = par[1]; TF1 *gfVt = new TF1("gfVt", Vpotential_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,1); gfVt->SetParameter(0,za); double Vt = gfVt->Eval(t); TF1 *fVl = new TF1("fVl", VlowRes_JC,0.0,Enu_max,0); double Vl = fVl->Eval(Enu); double Bl = Vl*tan(2* theta_12*c_pi/180.); T = 0.5*acos( (Vl-Vt) / sqrt( (Vl-Vt)**2 + Bl**2 ) ); T = T*180.0/c_pi; return T; }//end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double Thetam13_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double T = 0.0; double t = x[0]; double za = par[0]; double Enu = par[1]; TF1 *fVt = new TF1("fVt", Vpotential_JC,-tf_max,tf_max,1); fVt->SetParameter(0,za); double Vt = fVt->Eval(t); TF1 *fVh = new TF1("fVh", VhighRes_JC,0.0,Enu_max,0); double Vh = fVh->Eval(Enu); double Bh = Vh*tan(2* theta_13*c_pi/180.); T = 0.5*acos( (Vh-Vt) / sqrt( (Vh-Vt)**2 + Bh**2 ) ); T = T*180.0/c_pi; return T; }//end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double VlowRes_JC(double *x, double *par) {//begin double E = x[0]; //printf("Energy = %f \n",E); double th12 = theta_12*c_pi/180.; double th13 = theta_13*c_pi/180.; double c13 = cos(th13); //printf("cos(th13) = %f \n",c13); double V = (dmsq21/(2.0*E))*cos(2.0*th12)/c13**2; //printf("VlowR = %f \n",V); return V; }//end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double VhighRes_JC(double *x, double *par) {//begin double E = x[0]; double th12 = theta_12*c_pi/180.; double th13 = theta_13*c_pi/180.; double s12 = sin(th12); double V = (dmsq31-dmsq21*s12**2)*cos(2*th13)/(2*E); return V; }//end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- double Vpotential_JC(double *x, double *par) {// begin double V; double t = x[0]; double za= par[0]; //- Cet array of crossing times for the zenith angle GetCrossingTimes(za); V = 0.; for (int i=Nshells-1; i>=0; i--) if (fabs(t)<= tcross[i]) V = V_shell[i]; return V; }//end //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- void GetCrossingTimes(double za) {// begin if (first) printf("Making array of crossing times for za=%4.1f deg \n",za); //- calculate path lengths from the zenith angle za = za*c_pi/180.; for (int i = 0; i