void errortest(){ TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","",10,0,10); h->SetFillColor(kBlue); h->SetFillStyle(3018); h->SetLineColor(kRed); for(int i=0; i<9; i++){ h->Fill(i,i*0.5); } /*try this first, you see it will fill the whole histogram with blue*/ //h->Draw("e2"); //h->Draw("hist same"); /*if i instead try the opposite I get back to where I was where the whole histogram is filled*/ h->Draw("hist"); h->Draw("e2same"); /*then try this instead, you see only the error band is blue, and this is what I want but in addition I want the line of the histogram showing, but this just gives me the two cases above*/ //h->Draw("e2"); }