Processing PlotFramework\runLocally.C("BasicPlotPlugins/testBasicPlotPlugins.xml ")... Compiling file PlotFramework/BuildDriver.cpp Compiling file BTagNtupleBuilder/MuonInBJet.cpp Compiling file BTagNtupleBuilder/BTagJet.cpp Compiling file PlotFramework/XMLUtils.cpp Compiling file PlotFramework/FlowOutputObject.cpp Compiling file PlotFramework/FlowBase.cpp Compiling file PlotFramework/FlowSequential.cpp Compiling file PlotFramework/GlobalCache.cpp Compiling file PlotFramework/GlobalCacheReset.cpp Compiling file PlotFramework/BasicPlotMaker.cxx Compiling file BasicPlotPlugins/JetKinematicPlots.cpp Compiling file BasicPlotPlugins/EMJESfix.cpp Compiling file BasicPlotPlugins/MakeJetCollection.cpp Compiling file PlotFramework/ROOTFileIO.cpp Info in : creating shared library C:\Users\gwatts\Documents \ATLAS\Projects\BasicNtupleBuilder\PlotFramework\ROOTFileIO_cpp.dll 21240204_cint.cxx ROOTFileIO_cpp_ACLiC_dict.cxx Creating library C:\Users\gwatts\Documents\ATLAS\Projects\BasicNtupleBuilder\ PlotFramework\ROOTFileIO_cpp.lib and object C:\Users\gwatts\Documents\ATLAS\Proj ects\BasicNtupleBuilder\PlotFramework\ROOTFileIO_cpp.exp Compiling file PlotFramework/runDriver.cpp Flow base was created!! FlowSequential was created We see this many flows; 3 Flow base was created!! Creating a GlobalCacheReset Flow base was created!! Creating a Make jets collectin Done with the make jets collection creation Flow base was created!! Creating a jet kinematic plots Done with setup Flow base was created!! FlowSequential was created We see this many flows; 3 Flow base was created!! Creating a GlobalCacheReset Flow base was created!! Creating a Make jets collectin Done with the make jets collection creation Flow base was created!! Creating a jet kinematic plots Done with setup Creating StreamerInfo for class: FlowSequential, version: 1 Creating StreamerInfo for class: FlowBase, version: 1 StreamerInfo for class: FlowBase, version=1, checksum=0xbccee64 TNamed BASE offset= 0 type=67 The basis for a named object (name, title) i= 0, TNamed type= 67, offset= 0, len=1, method=0 StreamerInfo for class: FlowSequential, version=1, checksum=0x6b2290a7 FlowBase BASE offset= 0 type= 0 vector _flows offset= 64 type=300 ,stl=1, ctype=61, i= 0, FlowBase type= 0, offset= 0, len=1, method=56884128 i= 1, _flows type=300, offset= 64, len=1, method=0 WriteBuffer, class:FlowSequential, name=FlowBase, fType[0]=0, TStreamerBase, buf pos=57, arr=0360C7F0, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:FlowBase, name=TNamed, fType[0]=67, TStreamerBase, bufpos=63, arr=0360C7F0, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=TObject, fType[0]=66, TStreamerBase, bufpos=69, arr=0360C7F0, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fName, fType[1]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=79, arr=0360C7F0, offset=12 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fTitle, fType[2]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=88, arr=0360C7F0, offset=20 WriteBuffer for class: TNamed version 1 has written 22 bytes WriteBuffer for class: FlowBase version 1 has written 28 bytes WriteBuffer, class:FlowSequential, name=_flows, fType[1]=300, TStreamerSTL, bufp os=89, arr=0360C7F0, offset=64 Creating StreamerInfo for class: FlowSequential::FlowInfo, version: -1 StreamerInfo for class: FlowSequential::FlowInfo, checksum=0x1f987c80 FlowBase* _flow offset= 0 type=64 string _name offset= 4 type=300 ,stl=365, ctype=365, i= 0, _flow type= 64, offset= 0, len=1, method=0 i= 1, _name type=300, offset= 4, len=1, method=0 WriteBuffer, class:FlowSequential::FlowInfo, name=_flow, fType[0]=64, TStreamerO bjectPointer, bufpos=105, arr=0354CB30, offset=0 Creating StreamerInfo for class: GlobalCacheReset, version: 1 StreamerInfo for class: GlobalCacheReset, version=1, checksum=0xc1462807 FlowBase BASE offset= 0 type= 0 i= 0, FlowBase type= 0, offset= 0, len=1, method=56883400 WriteBuffer, class:GlobalCacheReset, name=FlowBase, fType[0]=0, TStreamerBase, b ufpos=136, arr=03607AD0, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:FlowBase, name=TNamed, fType[0]=67, TStreamerBase, bufpos=142 , arr=03607AD0, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=TObject, fType[0]=66, TStreamerBase, bufpos=148, arr=03607AD0, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fName, fType[1]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=158, arr=03607AD0, offset=12 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fTitle, fType[2]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=159 , arr=03607AD0, offset=20 WriteBuffer for class: TNamed version 1 has written 14 bytes WriteBuffer for class: FlowBase version 1 has written 20 bytes WriteBuffer for class: GlobalCacheReset version 1 has written 26 bytes Creating StreamerInfo for class: MakeJetCollection, version: 1 StreamerInfo for class: MakeJetCollection, version=1, checksum=0x84019f62 FlowBase BASE offset= 0 type= 0 string _collectionNameToGenerate offset= 64 type=300 ,stl=365, ctype=3 65, float _pTMinCutCalibrated offset= 96 type= 5 float _pTMaxCutCalibrated offset=100 type= 5 float _absEtaCut offset=104 type= 5 i= 0, FlowBase type= 0, offset= 0, len=1, method=56882672 i= 1, _collectionNameToGenerate type=300, offset= 64, len=1, method=0 i= 2, _pTMinCutCalibrated type= 25, offset= 96, len=3, method=0 WriteBuffer, class:MakeJetCollection, name=FlowBase, fType[0]=0, TStreamerBase, bufpos=192, arr=0354CA98, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:FlowBase, name=TNamed, fType[0]=67, TStreamerBase, bufpos=198 , arr=0354CA98, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=TObject, fType[0]=66, TStreamerBase, bufpos=204, arr=0354CA98, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fName, fType[1]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=214, arr=0354CA98, offset=12 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fTitle, fType[2]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=215 , arr=0354CA98, offset=20 WriteBuffer for class: TNamed version 1 has written 14 bytes WriteBuffer for class: FlowBase version 1 has written 20 bytes WriteBuffer, class:MakeJetCollection, name=_collectionNameToGenerate, fType[1]=3 00, TStreamerSTLstring, bufpos=216, arr=0354CA98, offset=64 WriteBuffer, class:MakeJetCollection, name=_pTMinCutCalibrated, fType[2]=25, TSt reamerBasicType, bufpos=231, arr=0354CA98, offset=96 WriteBuffer for class: MakeJetCollection version 1 has written 53 bytes Creating StreamerInfo for class: JetKinematicPlots, version: 1 StreamerInfo for class: JetKinematicPlots, version=1, checksum=0x44801b79 FlowBase BASE offset= 0 type= 0 TH1F* _pt offset= 64 type=64 TH1F* _eta offset= 68 type=64 float _maxpT offset= 76 type= 5 Max pT we will be looking at . string _collectionName offset= 80 type=300 ,stl=365, ctype=365, i= 0, FlowBase type= 0, offset= 0, len=1, method=56882464 i= 1, _pt type= 64, offset= 64, len=1, method=0 i= 2, _eta type= 64, offset= 68, len=1, method=0 i= 3, _maxpT type= 5, offset= 76, len=1, method=0 i= 4, _collectionName type=300, offset= 80, len=1, method=0 WriteBuffer, class:JetKinematicPlots, name=FlowBase, fType[0]=0, TStreamerBase, bufpos=275, arr=0357A260, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:FlowBase, name=TNamed, fType[0]=67, TStreamerBase, bufpos=281 , arr=0357A260, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=TObject, fType[0]=66, TStreamerBase, bufpos=287, arr=0357A260, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fName, fType[1]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=297, arr=0357A260, offset=12 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fTitle, fType[2]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=298 , arr=0357A260, offset=20 WriteBuffer for class: TNamed version 1 has written 14 bytes WriteBuffer for class: FlowBase version 1 has written 20 bytes WriteBuffer, class:JetKinematicPlots, name=_pt, fType[1]=64, TStreamerObjectPoin ter, bufpos=299, arr=0357A260, offset=64 Creating StreamerInfo for class: TH1F, version: 1 Creating StreamerInfo for class: TH1, version: 6 StreamerInfo for class: TH1, version=6, checksum=0xe9426be5 TNamed BASE offset= 0 type=67 The basis for a named object (name, title) TAttLine BASE offset= 28 type= 0 Line attributes TAttFill BASE offset= 40 type= 0 Fill area attributes TAttMarker BASE offset= 48 type= 0 Marker attributes Int_t fNcells offset= 60 type= 3 number of bins(1D), cells (2 D) +U/Overflows TAxis fXaxis offset= 64 type=61 X axis descriptor TAxis fYaxis offset=192 type=61 Y axis descriptor TAxis fZaxis offset=320 type=61 Z axis descriptor Short_t fBarOffset offset=448 type= 2 (1000*offset) for bar charts or legos Short_t fBarWidth offset=450 type= 2 (1000*width) for bar charts or legos Double_t fEntries offset=456 type= 8 Number of entries Double_t fTsumw offset=464 type= 8 Total Sum of weights Double_t fTsumw2 offset=472 type= 8 Total Sum of squares of weig hts Double_t fTsumwx offset=480 type= 8 Total Sum of weight*X Double_t fTsumwx2 offset=488 type= 8 Total Sum of weight*X*X Double_t fMaximum offset=496 type= 8 Maximum value for plotting Double_t fMinimum offset=504 type= 8 Minimum value for plotting Double_t fNormFactor offset=512 type= 8 Normalization factor TArrayD fContour offset=520 type=62 Array to display contour lev els TArrayD fSumw2 offset=532 type=62 Array of sum of squares of w eights TString fOption offset=544 type=65 histogram options TList* fFunctions offset=552 type=63 ->Pointer to list of functio ns (fits and user) Int_t fBufferSize offset=556 type= 6 fBuffer size Double_t* fBuffer offset=560 type=48 [fBufferSize] entry buffer i= 0, TNamed type= 67, offset= 0, len=1, method=0 i= 1, TAttLine type= 0, offset= 28, len=1, method=56882984 i= 2, TAttFill type= 0, offset= 40, len=1, method=56884752 i= 3, TAttMarker type= 0, offset= 48, len=1, method=56884856 i= 4, fNcells type= 3, offset= 60, len=1, method=0 i= 5, fXaxis type= 61, offset= 64, len=1, method=0 i= 6, fYaxis type= 61, offset=192, len=1, method=0 i= 7, fZaxis type= 61, offset=320, len=1, method=0 i= 8, fBarOffset type= 22, offset=448, len=2, method=0 i= 9, fEntries type= 28, offset=456, len=8, method=0 i=10, fContour type= 62, offset=520, len=1, method=0 i=11, fSumw2 type= 62, offset=532, len=1, method=0 i=12, fOption type= 65, offset=544, len=1, method=0 i=13, fFunctions type= 63, offset=552, len=1, method=0 i=14, fBufferSize type= 6, offset=556, len=1, method=58985104 i=15, fBuffer type= 48, offset=560, len=1, method=556 Creating StreamerInfo for class: TArrayF, version: 1 Creating StreamerInfo for class: TArray, version: 1 StreamerInfo for class: TArray, version=1, checksum=0x3f126b3 Int_t fN offset= 4 type= 3 Number of array elements i= 0, fN type= 3, offset= 4, len=1, method=0 StreamerInfo for class: TArrayF, version=1, checksum=0x7f08cd1e TArray BASE offset= 0 type= 0 Abstract array base class Float_t* fArray offset= 8 type=45 [fN] Array of fN floats i= 0, TArray type= 0, offset= 0, len=1, method=56888392 i= 1, fArray type= 45, offset= 8, len=1, method=4 StreamerInfo for class: TH1F, version=1, checksum=0xb2a56bd TH1 BASE offset= 0 type= 0 1-Dim histogram base class TArrayF BASE offset=584 type= 0 Array of floats i= 0, TH1 type= 0, offset= 0, len=1, method=56883192 i= 1, TArrayF type= 0, offset=584, len=1, method=56888912 Creating StreamerInfo for class: TAxis, version: 9 Creating StreamerInfo for class: TAttAxis, version: 4 StreamerInfo for class: TAttAxis, version=4, checksum=0x532a3b8c Int_t fNdivisions offset= 4 type= 3 Number of divisions(10000*n3 + 100*n2 + n1) short fAxisColor offset= 8 type= 2 color of the line axis short fLabelColor offset= 10 type= 2 color of labels short fLabelFont offset= 12 type= 2 font for labels Float_t fLabelOffset offset= 16 type= 5 offset of labels Float_t fLabelSize offset= 20 type= 5 size of labels Float_t fTickLength offset= 24 type= 5 length of tick marks Float_t fTitleOffset offset= 28 type= 5 offset of axis title Float_t fTitleSize offset= 32 type= 5 size of axis title short fTitleColor offset= 36 type= 2 color of axis title short fTitleFont offset= 38 type= 2 font for axis title i= 0, fNdivisions type= 3, offset= 4, len=1, method=0 i= 1, fAxisColor type= 22, offset= 8, len=3, method=0 i= 2, fLabelOffset type= 25, offset= 16, len=5, method=0 i= 3, fTitleColor type= 22, offset= 36, len=2, method=0 StreamerInfo for class: TAxis, version=9, checksum=0x7e21be41 TNamed BASE offset= 0 type=67 The basis for a named object (name, title) TAttAxis BASE offset= 28 type= 0 Axis attributes Int_t fNbins offset= 68 type= 3 Number of bins Double_t fXmin offset= 72 type= 8 low edge of first bin Double_t fXmax offset= 80 type= 8 upper edge of last bin TArrayD fXbins offset= 88 type=62 Bin edges array in X Int_t fFirst offset=100 type= 3 first bin to display Int_t fLast offset=104 type= 3 last bin to display UShort_t fBits2 offset=108 type=12 second bit status word Bool_t fTimeDisplay offset=110 type=18 on/off displaying time value s instead of numerics TString fTimeFormat offset=112 type=65 Date&time format, ex: 09/12/ 99 12:34:00 THashList* fLabels offset=124 type=64 List of labels i= 0, TNamed type= 67, offset= 0, len=1, method=0 i= 1, TAttAxis type= 0, offset= 28, len=1, method=56888600 i= 2, fNbins type= 3, offset= 68, len=1, method=0 i= 3, fXmin type= 28, offset= 72, len=2, method=0 i= 4, fXbins type= 62, offset= 88, len=1, method=0 i= 5, fFirst type= 23, offset=100, len=2, method=0 i= 6, fBits2 type= 12, offset=108, len=1, method=0 i= 7, fTimeDisplay type= 18, offset=110, len=1, method=0 i= 8, fTimeFormat type= 65, offset=112, len=1, method=0 i= 9, fLabels type= 64, offset=124, len=1, method=0 Creating StreamerInfo for class: TArrayD, version: 1 StreamerInfo for class: TArrayD, version=1, checksum=0xa65c40f9 TArray BASE offset= 0 type= 0 Abstract array base class Double_t* fArray offset= 8 type=48 [fN] Array of fN doubles i= 0, TArray type= 0, offset= 0, len=1, method=56888184 i= 1, fArray type= 48, offset= 8, len=1, method=4 ====>Rebuilding TStreamerInfo for class: TString, version: 1 StreamerInfo for class: TString, version=1, checksum=0x4f6e9dfd char* fData offset= 4 type= 7 ref. counted data (TStringRe f is in front) i= 0, fData type= 7, offset= 4, len=1, method=0 Creating StreamerInfo for class: THashList, version: 0 ====>Rebuilding TStreamerInfo for class: TList, version: 5 ====>Rebuilding TStreamerInfo for class: TSeqCollection, version: 0 ====>Rebuilding TStreamerInfo for class: TCollection, version: 3 StreamerInfo for class: TCollection, version=3, checksum=0x8fd14d5e TObject BASE offset= 0 type=66 Basic ROOT object TString fName offset= 12 type=65 name of the collection Int_t fSize offset= 20 type= 3 number of elements in collec tion i= 0, TObject type= 66, offset= 0, len=1, method=0 i= 1, fName type= 65, offset= 12, len=1, method=0 i= 2, fSize type= 3, offset= 20, len=1, method=0 StreamerInfo for class: TSeqCollection, version=0, checksum=0xd79a0d4d TCollection BASE offset= 0 type= 0 Collection abstract base cla ss i= 0, TCollection type= 0, offset= 0, len=1, method=55858432 StreamerInfo for class: TList, version=5, checksum=0x79c882a7 TSeqCollection BASE offset= 0 type= 0 Sequenceable collection ABC i= 0, TSeqCollection type= 0, offset= 0, len=1, method=55858328 StreamerInfo for class: THashList, version=0, checksum=0x1202abdc TList BASE offset= 0 type= 0 Doubly linked list i= 0, TList type= 0, offset= 0, len=1, method=55856248 WriteBuffer, class:JetKinematicPlots, name=_eta, fType[2]=64, TStreamerObjectPoi nter, bufpos=303, arr=0357A260, offset=68 WriteBuffer, class:JetKinematicPlots, name=_maxpT, fType[3]=5, TStreamerBasicTyp e, bufpos=307, arr=0357A260, offset=76 WriteBuffer, class:JetKinematicPlots, name=_collectionName, fType[4]=300, TStrea merSTLstring, bufpos=311, arr=0357A260, offset=80 WriteBuffer for class: JetKinematicPlots version 1 has written 53 bytes WriteBuffer, class:FlowSequential::FlowInfo, name=_name, fType[1]=300, TStreamer STLstring, bufpos=326, arr=0354CB30, offset=4 WriteBuffer for class: FlowSequential version 1 has written 325 bytes TKey Writing 248 bytes at address 232 for ID= ROOTFlow Title= WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=TObject, fType[0]=66, TStreamerBase, bufpos=68, arr=038DE4F0, offset=0 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fName, fType[1]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=78, arr=038DE4F0, offset=12 WriteBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fTitle, fType[2]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=89, arr=038DE4F0, offset=20 WriteBuffer for class: TNamed version 1 has written 41 bytes TKey Writing 107 bytes at address 480 for ID= outputFile Title= plots-local1. root Now doing the readback! TKey Reading 248 bytes at address 232 Flow base was created!! FlowSequential was created ReadBuffer, class:FlowSequential, name=FlowBase, fType[0]=0, TStreamerBase, bufp os=57, arr=0360C7F0, offset=0 ReadBuffer, class:FlowBase, name=TNamed, fType[0]=67, TStreamerBase, bufpos=63, arr=0360C7F0, offset=0 ReadBuffer, class:TNamed, name=TObject, fType[0]=66, TStreamerBase, bufpos=69, a rr=0360C7F0, offset=0 ReadBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fName, fType[1]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=79, a rr=0360C7F0, offset=12 ReadBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fTitle, fType[2]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=88, arr=0360C7F0, offset=20 ReadBuffer for class: TNamed has read 22 bytes ReadBuffer for class: FlowBase has read 28 bytes ReadBuffer, class:FlowSequential, name=_flows, fType[1]=300, TStreamerSTL, bufpo s=89, arr=0360C7F0, offset=64 ReadBuffer, class:FlowSequential::FlowInfo, name=_flow, fType[0]=64, TStreamerOb jectPointer, bufpos=105, arr=0382AC28, offset=0 Flow base was created!! Creating a GlobalCacheReset ReadBuffer, class:GlobalCacheReset, name=FlowBase, fType[0]=0, TStreamerBase, bu fpos=136, arr=05464360, offset=0 ReadBuffer, class:FlowBase, name=TNamed, fType[0]=67, TStreamerBase, bufpos=142, arr=05464360, offset=0 ReadBuffer, class:TNamed, name=TObject, fType[0]=66, TStreamerBase, bufpos=148, arr=05464360, offset=0 ReadBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fName, fType[1]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=158, arr=05464360, offset=12 ReadBuffer, class:TNamed, name=fTitle, fType[2]=65, TStreamerString, bufpos=159, arr=05464360, offset=20 ReadBuffer for class: TNamed has read 14 bytes ReadBuffer for class: FlowBase has read 20 bytes ReadBuffer for class: GlobalCacheReset has read 26 bytes