#ifndef EVENTNUMBERCHECKS_H #define EVENTNUMBERCHECKS_H #include "TSelector.h" class AliAODEvent; class TTree; class EventNumberChecks : public TSelector { public: EventNumberChecks(); virtual ~EventNumberChecks(); virtual Int_t Version() const { return 4; } virtual void Init(TTree* t); virtual void Begin(TTree*); virtual void SlaveBegin(TTree* t); virtual Bool_t Notify(); // This method is called at the first entry of a new file in a chain. virtual Bool_t Process(Long64_t entry); virtual void SlaveTerminate(); virtual void Terminate(); private: TTree* fChain; AliAODEvent* fEvent; Int_t fNumberOfInteractions; Int_t fNdimu; Int_t fNmu; Int_t fNpos; Int_t fNneg; ClassDef(EventNumberChecks,4) }; #endif