const double GeV = 1000; const double TeV = GeV*1000; const double binN = 100; const double minBin = 0; const double maxBin = 2*TeV; //**************************************** // To add another cut to list of invariant mass histograms: // 1) Increase totHist by 1 // 2) Add another histogram title to strCutTitle array // 3) Add a short name to strCut // Invariant mass histograms are named h_invMass_strCut // The new histogram will be h_invMass[totHist] // Commented numbers to the left are array indexes to use for filling //****************************************/ const int totHist = 12; const int combo_n_Hist=8; string strCombTitle[combo_n_Hist] = { "All All", "Loose All", "Med All", "Tight All", "All Comb", "Loose Comb", "Med Comb", "Tight Comb"}; string strComb[combo_n_Hist] = { /*0*/ "allall", /*1*/ "looseall", /*2*/ "medall", /*3*/ "tightall", /*4*/ "allcomb", /*5*/ "loosecomb", /*6*/ "medcomb", /*7*/ "tightcomb"}; string strCutTitle[totHist] = { /*0*/ "(no cut)", /*1*/ "(Pt > 50 GeV Cut)", /*2*/ "(PT > 50 GeV & MET < 100 GeV)", /*3*/ "(PT > 50 GeV, MET < 100 GeV, & dPhi > 2)", /*4*/ "(PT > 20 GeV, MET < 20 GeV, Combined Muon, Loose Electron Cut)", /*5*/ "(PT > 20 GeV, MET < 20 GeV, Combined Muon, Med Electron Cut)", /*6*/ "(PT > 20 GeV, MET < 20 GeV, Combined Muon, Tight Electron Cut)", /*7*/ "(PT > 20 GeV, MET < 20 GeV, Combined Muon, Tight Electron Cut, dPhi > 2)", /*8*/ "(PT > 20 GeV, MET < 20 GeV, Combined Muon, Tight Electron Cut, dPhi > 2, |Eta| < 2.7)", /*9*/ "(PT > 20 GeV, MET < 20 GeV, Combined Muon, Tight Electron Cut, dPhi > 2, |Eta| < 2.7, nJets < 6)", /*10*/ "(PT > 20 GeV, MET < 20 GeV, Combined Muon, Tight Electron Cut, dPhi > 2, |Eta| < 2.7, nJets < 6, mu10|e10)", /*11*/ "(PT > 20 GeV, MET < 20 GeV, Combined Muon, Tight Electron Cut, dPhi > 2, |Eta| < 2.7, nJets < 6, mu10|e10), charge"}; // /*10*/ "(PT > 20 GeV, MET < 20 GeV, Combined Muon, Med Electron Cut, dPhi > 2, |Eta| < 2.7, nJets < 6, mu10&e10)", string strCut[totHist] = { /*0*/ "emucut", /*1*/ "ptcut", /*2*/ "metcut", /*3*/ "combcut", /*4*/ "loosecut", /*5*/ "medcut", /*6*/ "tightcut", /*7*/ "phicut", /*8*/ "etacut", /*9*/ "jetcut", /*10*/ "mu10ORe10", /*11*/ "chargecut"}; // /*10*/ "mu10ANDe10", const int trigN = 10; string strTrigs[trigN] = { /*0*/ "EF_mu4", /*1*/ "EF_e10_medium", /*2*/ "EF_mu6", /*3*/ "EF_mu4 && EF_e10_medium", /*4*/ "EF_mu4 || EF_e10_medium", /*5*/ "EF_mu6 && EF_e10_medium", /*6*/ "EF_mu6 || EF_e10_medium", /*7*/ "EF_mu10", /*8*/ "EF_mu10 || EF_e10_medium", /*9*/ "EF_mu10 && EF_e10_medium"}; //**************************************** // This part is used for scaleCombine_trig.C //****************************************/ const int totFiles = 5;//Total number of files to combine double scaleLum = 1000; // Desired integrated luminosity (pb^-1) double scale[totFiles] = { //Scale factors = scaleLum * cross-section * filter efficiency * kfactor / total # of events generated scaleLum * 80.201 *1.09/131492., // ttbar scaleLum * 8916.33 * 0.88/ 779829., //Wtau //scaleLum * 848.6 / 1625649. , // Ztautau scaleLum * 1.168 * .940 / 19950. , //Z'700 scaleLum * .2143 * .951 / 19850. , //Z'1000 scaleLum * .02206 * .968 / 15000. }; //Z'1500 string strFiles[totFiles] = { //The list of files to combine, needs to be in the order as the scale values above "../../7TeV_D3PDs/merged/histos/TTlep_histos.root", "../../7TeV_D3PDs/merged/histos/106022.7TeV_Wtaunu_D3PD_histos.root", //"../../7TeV_D3PDs/merged/histos/106052.7TeV_Ztautau_physics_histos.root", "../../7TeV_D3PDs/merged/histos/7701.7TeV_zprime_700_D3PD_histos.root", "../../7TeV_D3PDs/merged/histos/71001.7TeV_zprime_1000_D3PD_histos.root", "../../7TeV_D3PDs/merged/histos/71501.7TeV_zprime_1500_D3PD_histos.root"}; string strStackTitles[totFiles] = { //Titles for the stacked legend, again must be in the same order as above "t #bar{t} -> leptons", "W -> #tau #nu", //"Z -> #tau #tau", "Z' (700 GeV)-> e #mu", "Z' (1000 GeV)-> e #mu", "Z' (1500 GeV)-> e #mu", }; //const enum EColor histColor[totFiles] = {2,3,4,6,7};//{632,600,880,432,420}; //Coloring scheme for different files, again same order