#ifndef FBBAnal_h #define FBBAnal_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TCanvas.h" #include "FBGeometry.h" #include "ClassName.h" #include "utility.h" class FBBAnal: public InheritClass { TFile *theOut; // output file containing all histos Char_t theOutFileName[64]; // output file name FBGeometry *geom; // pointer to NPRun's geometry Bool_t WriteTree; //Kinemtics operations// TFile *kin3; Char_t kin3FileName[64]; Int_t kin3ID; Bool_t Kin3Flag; Int_t energy, th1, th2, phi; // Kinematic definition Float_t ee[3]; // Kinematics data: S_dist, Ep1, Ep2 Float_t E1, E2; // Energies for calculatin Dist2Kin Int_t Emin, Emax, bin; // Dist2Kin xy-plane definition Float_t Dist2Kin[301][301]; Int_t DistPoint[301][301]; Int_t S; //TH2F *DistPlane; //////////////////////// Int_t E1Bin; Int_t E2Bin; Int_t OpenGeometry(); // Gets the geometry information void CreateHistos(); void WriteHistos(); void WriteTGraphs(); Float_t S_t[25][10][2750]; Float_t E1_t[25][10][2750]; Float_t E2_t[25][10][2750]; Int_t n_br[25][10][300]; // Int_t thd[25], thd1[25];//deuteron angle // Int_t thp[25], thp1[25];//proton angle public: FBBAnal(TTree *tree=0); ~FBBAnal(); void Init(); void Loop(Char_t *file); Int_t ReadLine(FILE *fID, char *line); void SetDistPlane(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t z) {bin=x; Emin=y; Emax=z;} void SetWriteTree(Bool_t f) {WriteTree = f;} void SetKin3Body(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t z, Int_t q) {energy = x; th1 = y; th2 = z; phi = q; } TH2F *f20[25]; TH2F *f40[25]; TH2F *f60[25]; TH2F *f80[25]; TH2F *f100[25]; TH2F *f120[25]; TH2F *f140[25]; TH2F *f160[25]; TH2F *f180[25]; TGraph *gr[25][10]; TCanvas *c1[25]; }; R__EXTERN FBBAnal *gFBBA; // external pointer to FBAnal. #endif