# @(#)root/config:$Name: $:$Id: rootrc.in,v 1.73 2004/05/18 11:56:38 rdm Exp $ # Author: Fons Rademakers 22/09/95 # ROOT Environment settings are handled via the class TEnv. To see # which values are active do: gEnv->Print(). # Path used by dynamic loader to find shared libraries and macros # Paths are different for Unix and Windows. The example shows the defaults # for all ROOT applications for either Unix or Windows. Unix.*.Root.DynamicPath: .:$(ROOTSYS)/lib Unix.*.Root.MacroPath: .:$(ROOTSYS)/macros WinNT.*.Root.DynamicPath: .;$(ROOTSYS)/bin;$(PATH) WinNT.*.Root.MacroPath: .;$(ROOTSYS)/macros # Path where to look for TrueType fonts Unix.*.Root.UseTTFonts: true Unix.*.Root.TTFontPath: $(ROOTSYS)/fonts # Use thread library (if exists) Unix.*.Root.UseThreads: false # Show where item is found in the specified path Root.ShowPath: false # Activate memory statistics (size and cnt is used to trap allocation of # blocks of a certain size after cnt times) Root.MemStat: 0 Root.MemStat.size: -1 Root.MemStat.cnt: -1 Root.ObjectStat: 0 # Activate memory leak checker (use in conjunction with $ROOTSYS/bin/memprobe) # Currently only works on Linux with gcc. Root.MemCheck: 0 Root.MemCheckFile: memcheck.out # Global debug mode. When >0 turns on progressively more details debugging. Root.Debug: 0 Root.Stacktrace: yes # Settings for X11 behaviour. X11.Sync: no X11.FindBestVisual: yes # Default editor Unix.*.Editor: vi WinNT.*.Editor: notepad # Default Fitter (current choices are Minuit and Fumili) Root.Fitter: Minuit # Specify list of file endings which TTabCom (TAB completion) should ignore. #TabCom.FileIgnore: .cpp:.h:.cmz # TCanvas specific settings. Opaque move and resize show full pad during # the operation instead of only the outline. Especially for resize you'll # need serious CPU power. UseScreenFactor=true means to size canvas according # to size of screen, so a canvas still looks good on a low resolution # laptop screen without having to change canvas size in macros. # HighLightColor 2 = red. ShowEventStatus allows the event status bar to # be turned on by default. AutoExec allows TExec objects to be executed # on mouse and key events. Canvas.MoveOpaque: false Canvas.ResizeOpaque: false Canvas.UseScreenFactor: true Canvas.HighLightColor: 2 Canvas.ShowEventStatus: false Canvas.ShowToolBar: false Canvas.ShowEditor: false Canvas.AutoExec: true # Default histogram binnings for TTree::Draw() Hist.Binning.1D.x: 100 Hist.Binning.2D.x: 40 Hist.Binning.2D.y: 40 Hist.Binning.2D.Prof: 100 Hist.Binning.3D.x: 20 Hist.Binning.3D.y: 20 Hist.Binning.3D.z: 20 Hist.Binning.3D.Profx: 100 Hist.Binning.3D.Profy: 100 # THtml specific settings (for more see doc of THtml class) Unix.*.Root.Html.SourceDir: .:src:include WinNT.*.Root.Html.SourceDir: .;src;include Root.Html.Root: http://root.cern.ch/root/html #Root.Html.OutputDir: htmldoc/ #Root.Html.Homepage: #Root.Html.Header: #Root.Html.Footer: #Root.Html.Description: //____________________ #Root.Html.Author: // Author: #Root.Html.LastUpdate: // @(#) #Root.Html.Copyright: * Copyright # GUI specific settings Gui.Backend: native Gui.Factory: native Unix.*.Gui.DefaultFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Unix.*.Gui.MenuFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Unix.*.Gui.MenuHiFont: -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Unix.*.Gui.DocFixedFont: -adobe-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Unix.*.Gui.DocPropFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Unix.*.Gui.IconFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Unix.*.Gui.StatusFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 WinNT.*.Gui.DefaultFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 WinNT.*.Gui.MenuFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 WinNT.*.Gui.MenuHiFont: -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 WinNT.*.Gui.DocFixedFont: -adobe-courier-medium-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 WinNT.*.Gui.DocPropFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 WinNT.*.Gui.IconFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 WinNT.*.Gui.StatusFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Gui.BackgroundColor: #c0c0c0 Gui.ForegroundColor: black Gui.SelectBackgroundColor: #000080 Gui.SelectForegroundColor: white Gui.DocumentBackgroundColor: white Gui.DocumentForegroundColor: black Gui.TooltipBackgroundColor: LightYellow Gui.TooltipForegroundColor: black Gui.IconPath: $(HOME)/icons:$(ROOTSYS)/icons:. Gui.MimeTypeFile: $(HOME)/.root.mimes # If above does not exists defaults to this: #Gui.MimeTypeFile: $(ROOTSYS)/etc/root.mimes # Can be either small, big, list, details Browser.IconStyle: small # Can be either name, type, size, date Browser.SortBy: name Browser.GroupView: 1000 Browser.ShowHidden: no # Rint (interactive ROOT executable) specific alias, logon and logoff macros Rint.Load: rootalias.C Rint.Logon: rootlogon.C Rint.Logoff: rootlogoff.C # Record session commands, set to "-" to turn off command recording Rint.History: $(HOME)/.root_hist # ACLiC customization. # ACLiC.Linkdef specifies the suffix that will be added to the script name to # try to locate a custom linkdef file when generating the dictionary. ACLiC.Linkdef: _linkdef # Set a top directory for storing the libraries produced by ACLiC #ACLiC.BuildDir: /where/I/would/like/my/compiled/scripts # Add additional include directives for ACLiC compilations #ACLiC.IncludePaths: -I/where/the/includes/are # PROOF debug options # Proof.DebugLevel: 0 # Proof.DebugMask: -1 # Proof.StatsHist: no # Proof.StatsTrace: no # PROOF related variables Proofd.StaticSlaves: yes # Variables related to authentication to rootd and proofd # # Default authentication method for rootd and proofd # These are supported for backward compatibility but have a very # low priority. System defaults are generated by configure as a list # in system.rootauthrc in $ROOTSYS/etc/ or /etc/root; the file # $HOME/.rootauthrc can be used to override the system defaults. # (0=UsrPwd, 1=SRP, 2=Krb5, 3=Globus,4=SSH, 5=UidGid) Rootd.Authentication: 0 Proofd.Authentication: 0 # Set this to 1 if you want full SRP authentication in Proof # (Client-to-Master and Master-to-Slave) Proofd.SendSRPPwd: 0 # Default login name (if not defined is taken from $(HOME)) # UsrPwd.Login: qwerty # SRP.Login: qwerty # Krb5.Login: qwerty@LOCAL.DOM.AIN # Globus.Login: cd:~/.globus cf:usercert.pem kf:userkey.pem ad:/etc/grid-security/certificates # SSH.Login: qwerty # UidGid.Login: qwerty # To be prompted for login information # UsrPwd.LoginPrompt: yes # SRP.LoginPrompt: yes # Krb5.LoginPrompt: yes # Globus.LoginPrompt: yes # SSH.LoginPrompt: yes # UidGid.LoginPrompt: yes # To reuse established security context UsrPwd.ReUse: yes SRP.ReUse: no Krb5.ReUse: no Globus.ReUse: yes SSH.ReUse: yes # Duration validity of the sec context for UsrPwd, SRP and SSH # format: : (default 24:00) # UsrPwd.Valid: 24:00 # SRP.Valid: 24:00 # SSH.Valid: 24:00 # To control password encryption for UsrPwd authentication UsrPwd.Crypt: yes # Globus miscellanea # Globus Proxy duration: HH:MM (ex 12:15 for 12 hours and 15 min) # 'default' for system default Globus.ProxyDuration: default # Globus.ProxyDuration: 14 # Number of bits for the initial key Globus.ProxyKeyBits: 1024 # Path to alternative 'ssh' (to override $PATH if ever needed) # SSH.ExecDir: /usr/bin # In case of error, SSH returns 1 (or 256 = 0x100). # To trap those errors for which one should retry, error printouts # must be parsed; any substring found under the Env SSH.ErrorRetry # triggers a retry condition; strings can be added here # in the form (including double quotes): # +SSH.ErrorRetry: "" # This is what one usually gets if the server has reached the maximum # number of sshd daemons (defined by MaxStartups in sshd_config); # this is a typical case in which one should retry. SSH.ErrorRetry: "Connection closed by remote host" # Max number of retries for SSH in case of retry error (see above) SSH.MaxRetry: 100 # Special cases for the TUrl parser, where the special cases are parsed # in a protocol + file part, like rfio:host:/patch/file.root or # castor:/path/file.root. Extend in private .rootrc with a +Url.Special line. Url.Special: file: rfio: hpss: castor: dcache: dcap: # Plugin library handlers Plugin.TFile: ^rfio: TRFIOFile RFIO "TRFIOFile(const char*,Option_t*,const char*,Int_t)" +Plugin.TFile: ^castor: TCastorFile RFIO "TCastorFile(const char*,Option_t*,const char*,Int_t,Int_t)" +Plugin.TFile: ^dcache: TDCacheFile DCache "TDCacheFile(const char*,Option_t*,const char*,Int_t)" +Plugin.TFile: ^dcap: TDCacheFile DCache "TDCacheFile(const char*,Option_t*,const char*,Int_t)" +Plugin.TFile: ^chirp: TChirpFile Chirp "TChirpFile(const char*,Option_t*,const char*,Int_t)" +Plugin.TFile: ^alien: TAlienFile RAliEn "TAlienFile(const char*,Option_t*,const char*,Int_t)" +Plugin.TFile: .+[.]xml$ TXMLFile RXML "TXMLFile(const char*,Option_t*,const char*,Int_t)" Plugin.TSystem: ^rfio: TRFIOSystem RFIO "TRFIOSystem()" +Plugin.TSystem: ^dcache: TDCacheSystem DCache "TDCacheSystem()" +Plugin.TSystem: ^dcap: TDCacheSystem DCache "TDCacheSystem()" +Plugin.TSystem: ^alien: TAlienSystem RAliEn "TAlienSystem()" Plugin.TSQLServer: ^mysql: TMySQLServer MySQL "TMySQLServer(const char*,const char*,const char*)" +Plugin.TSQLServer: ^pgsql: TPgSQLServer PgSQL "TPgSQLServer(const char*,const char*,const char*)" +Plugin.TSQLServer: ^sapdb: TSapDBServer SapDB "TSapDBServer(const char*,const char*,const char*)" +Plugin.TSQLServer: ^oracle: TOracleServer Oracle "TOracleServer(const char*,const char*,const char*)" Plugin.TGrid: ^alien TAlien RAliEn "TAlien(const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*)" Plugin.TVirtualPad: * TPad Gpad "TPad()" Plugin.TVirtualHistPainter: * THistPainter HistPainter "THistPainter()" Plugin.TVirtualTreePlayer: * TTreePlayer TreePlayer "TTreePlayer()" Plugin.TVirtualTreeViewer: * TTreeViewer TreeViewer "TTreeViewer(const TTree*)" Plugin.TVirtualGeoPainter: * TGeoPainter GeomPainter "TGeoPainter()" Plugin.TVirtualUtil3D: * TUtil3D Graf3d "TUtil3D()" Plugin.TVirtualUtilHist: * TUtilHist Hist "TUtilHist()" Plugin.TVirtualUtilPad: * TUtilPad Gpad "TUtilPad()" Plugin.TVirtualFitter: Minuit TFitter Minuit "TFitter(Int_t)" +Plugin.TVirtualFitter: Fumili TFumili Fumili "TFumili(Int_t)" Plugin.TVirtualPS: ps TPostScript Postscript "TPostScript()" +Plugin.TVirtualPS: svg TSVG Postscript "TSVG()" +Plugin.TVirtualPS: pdf TPDF Postscript "TPDF()" Plugin.TViewerX3D: x11 TViewerX3D X3d "TViewerX3D(TVirtualPad*,Option_t*,const char*,UInt_t,UInt_t)" +Plugin.TViewerX3D: qt TQtViewerX3D QtX3d "TQtViewerX3D(TVirtualPad*,Option_t*,const char*,UInt_t,UInt_t)" Plugin.TMinuitGraph: * TGraph Graf "TGraph(Int_t,const Double_t*,const Double_t*)" Plugin.TPaletteEditor: * TASPaletteEditor ASImage "TASPaletteEditor(TAttImage*,UInt_t,UInt_t)" Plugin.TImage: * TASImage ASImage "TASImage()" Plugin.TFileDrawMap * TFileDrawMap TreePlayer "TFileDrawMap(const TFile*, const char*, const char*)" Plugin.TVirtualX: x11 TGX11 GX11 "TGX11(const char*,const char*)" +Plugin.TVirtualX: x11ttf TGX11TTF GX11TTF "TGX11TTF()" +Plugin.TVirtualX: win32 TGWin32 Win32 "TGWin32(const char*,const char*)" +Plugin.TVirtualX: win32gdk TGWin32 Win32gdk "TGWin32(const char*,const char*)" +Plugin.TVirtualX: qt TGQt GQt "TGQt(const char*,const char*)" +Plugin.TVirtualX: qtwin32 TQtThread GQt "TQtThread(const char*,const char*)" Plugin.TGuiFactory: root TRootGuiFactory Gui "TRootGuiFactory()" +Plugin.TGuiFactory: win32 TWin32GuiFactory Win32 "TWin32GuiFactory()" +Plugin.TGuiFactory: qt TQtRootGuiFactory QtRoot "TQtRootGuiFactory()" Plugin.TVirtualProof: * TProof Proof "TProof(const char*,const char*,const char*,Int_t)" Plugin.TProofProgressDialog: * TProofProgressDialog ProofGui "TProofProgressDialog(TVirtualProof*,const char*,Int_t,Long64_t,Long64_t)" #Plugin.TVirtualPadEditor: Ged TPadEditorOld GedOld "TPadEditorOld()" Plugin.TVirtualPadEditor: Ged TGedEditor Ged "TGedEditor(TCanvas*)" # Example of custom setting for the Rint application (root.exe). # This overrides the default specified above for a generic application. # Color 5 is yellow. Rint.Canvas.HighLightColor: 5