Which package or class supersede the TSpectrum for searching peaks?

The reference of classes treating the Spectrum in root marked with following notes

Legacy Code

TSpectrum is a legacy interface: it is not recommended to use it in new code. There will be no bug fixes nor new developments.

I also notice that the TSpectrum.h and related includes have been removed from root release.

So who know which packages or classes supersede the TSpectrum classess?

_ROOT Version: 6.26
_Platform: Linux x36_64
_Compiler: gcc 11.3.1

This code is not maintained anymore, but it is NOT removed.
There is no replacement (known / planned).

Thank you. You‘re quite right. The spectrum classes were just not installed by default.
The package name root-spectrum.x86_64 contains the files.

I’ve filed [TSpectrum] avoid recurrent questions on forum concerning legacy by ferdymercury · Pull Request #11315 · root-project/root · GitHub

The Legacy banner says:

TSpectrum is a legacy interface: it is not recommended to use it in new code. There will be no bug fixes nor new developments.

It means you can use it, but you are warned that if you find a bug it will not be fixed and if you ask for improvements they will not be done. Therefore it is not recommended to base NEW (long-term production) code on it. But that’s your choice, you are free to do what you want, and depending on the context, TSpectrum might still be a good choice.

PR here: [skip-ci] redefine the legacy alias by couet · Pull Request #11327 · root-project/root · GitHub

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