Using Root with Visual Studio 2008

Great! It really helps a lot.

Appreciate for your help :slight_smile:

Thank you.


You must have an afs account to be able to access files on afs, but anyway, the files are available on the web: MFCMDIRoot.tar.gz and rootCanvas_working.tar.gz

Cheers, Bertrand.[/quote]

[quote]bellenot wrote:
2) Global solution: Select Options from the Tools menu of Visual Studio, then select “VC++ Directories” in “Projects and Solutions”, and add $(ROOTSYS)\lib to the library files and $(ROOTSYS)\include to the include files [/quote]
This is no longer possible in Visual Studio 2010, how can I do ?


Set the following values in your user’s environment variables:

INCLUDE=%ROOTSYS%\include LIB=%ROOTSYS%\lib It should work.

Cheers, Bertrand.

I am sure that it works but where must I put them ?
I can not find this “environment variables” and I searched a lot.

gosh, even looking in the Visual Studio help, they tell how to do it, but I can not find that page anywhere from the “view” menu !

Thanks in advance, Bertand !

Hi Francesco,

These are the Windows environment variables! Nothing to do with Visual Studio…
On Windows 7: Computer->Properties->Advanced system settings->Environment Variables->User variables for (your user name)->New

Cheers, Bertrand.

You can set the “old style” global environment variables in VC2010 through property manager -> Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user -sheet -> VC++ Directories.
For further details, see for example