Two dimensional KDE


I see there is a class for 1D KDEs called TKDE, is there anything available for 2D KDEs?

If not available in ROOT any suggestions on others who may provide a class?


I’ve found a presentation from 2010 referring to it:
and I also see it listed on the What we are working on page:

Does anyone have a status update?


I also see that it is a feature request in JIRA

And the status was that work should have ended in June 2013, any comment on progress?

Just another poke and prod to see if there is any movement on this.


Almost another year and still no response. Any news?

Sorry for this delay. Surely your post was forget.
We will come back here.


Sorry for the delay. We have in RooFit a n-dimensional kernel density estimator class, RooNDKeysPdf.
The class is not very efficient, especially if you have a large amount of data.
We are planning to have a new one based on TKDTree, but so far we did not have the resources to develop it. We are planning to allocate a student to work on this during the next summer.
We will let you know as soon we have something ready to be used

Best Regards
