TTree::SetBranchAddress() for a TGraph array branch

Thanks for the help, Philippe.

I looked into your comment

SetBranchAddress expects the address of a pointer or the address a single object.
and found a response you provided earlier
Vector in Branch - #5 by pcanal

So returning to the initial question, what I have tried now that the TGraphs are being properly stored is

	vector<TGraph> * cohGraphs, * deconvGraphs;
	waveformGraphTree -> SetBranchAddress("cohGraphs[2]", cohGraphs);
	waveformGraphTree -> SetBranchAddress("deconvGraphs[2]", deconvGraphs);

Using TTree::SetBranchAddress() as above doesn’t throw any errors at this point, but now a function which I call later which referenced & cohGraphs[0] when I had

vector<TGraph> cohGraphs(2);

Now returns

error: cannot initialize a parameter of type 'const TGraph *' with an rvalue of type
      'vector<TGraph> *'

Things appear to work if I do

vector<TGraph> * cohGraphs[2], * deconvGraphs[2];

and then provide the function with the argument cohGraphs[0] -> data(), but is that the correct thing to do? What if instead I did

vector<TGraph> * cohGraphs, * deconvGraphs;

and then passed as argument cohGraphs[0].data()? Both of these seem to work, but are they effectively doing the same thing?
