TTree Fill Error

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I want to create a new branch on an existing tree using entries from two existing branches

void makeAvgBranch() {
    TFile* inFile = new TFile("somefile.root", "update");
    TTree* tree = static_cast<TTree*>(inFile->Get("someTree"));
    Double_t newBranch;
    TBranch* avgBranch = tree->Branch("avg", &newBranch);
    Double_t data_a, data_b;
    tree->SetBranchAddress("a", &data_a);
    tree->SetBranchAddress("b", &data_b);
    for (int i = 0; i < tree->GetEntries(); i++) {
        newBranch = 0.5*(data_a + data_b);

However, when I tried to fill the new branch, I get the following errors:

Error in <TBranch::WriteBasketImpl>: basket's WriteBuffer failed.
Error in <TBranch::TBranch::Fill>: Failed to write out basket.

The errors only occur periodically.

Here is the info on the branches:

*Br   25 :a : Double_t                                        *
*Entries :  5388854 : Total  Size=   43124605 bytes  File Size  =    2529536 *
*Baskets :      122 : Basket Size=    1506304 bytes  Compression=  17.05     *
*Br   26 :b : Double_t                                         *
*Entries :  5388854 : Total  Size=   43124479 bytes  File Size  =    2886215 *
*Baskets :      122 : Basket Size=    1506304 bytes  Compression=  14.94     *
*Br   48 :avg : avg/D                                    *
*Entries :  5388854 : Total  Size=   43116791 bytes  All baskets in memory   *
*Baskets :       1350 : Basket Size=    32000 bytes  Compression=   1.00     *

where a and b are the two existing branches and avg is the new branch that I created. Why am I getting these errors? And how are they affecting the new branch?

The inFile file is probably not “writable” for you (check permissions).

BTW. After the “for” loop, you need: tree->Write();

You are right! I can’t change the original file. I tried cloning the necessary branches into a new tree, but that also does not seem to work.

You could copy the original files onto a directory you have write access to.

If that is not possible, you should consider putting the new branches in a new TTree in a new file and when using/reading the TTree, open both the original and new files and make the new TTree a friend of the old TTree.


With newer version (v6.14 and newer) of ROOT we recommend replacing




to allow for better alignment of the new branches with the “clusters” of the existing TTree.

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