Trying to compile rootcint dictionary with namespaces

On Linux, try (for MacOS and/or Windows, you need to find someone who can “transform” the commands given below): `root-config --cxx --cflags` -W -Wall -fPIC -c TestInfo.cxx rootcint -f TestInfo_Dict.cxx -c -p TestInfo.h TestInfo_LinkDef.h `root-config --cxx --cflags` -W -Wall -fPIC -c TestInfo_Dict.cxx `root-config --cxx --cflags` -W -Wall -fPIC -shared -o TestInfo.o TestInfo_Dict.o `root-config --glibs` Note: I didn’t fix the two problems in the “TestInfo.cxx” which are reported by the compiler. I didn’t want to take all the fun away from you!

The easiest way to try it is: root [0] .L root [1] .Class TestInfo root [2] .Class TestInfo::TestClass root [3] .Class std::vector<TestInfo::TestClass>
Make sure you read also this thread: [url]Adding a class: hand holding requested
TestInfo.h (472 Bytes)
TestInfo.cxx (534 Bytes)
TestInfo_LinkDef.h (396 Bytes)