TMVAGui() not working for multiple methods of BDT in file


This indeed seems like a bug. A fix has been submitted. You can follow the development here:

Working around this issue in the current version is a bit involved but it can be done using this function:

void BDT(TString dataset, Int_t itree, TString wfile,
         TString methName = "BDT",
         Bool_t useTMVAStyle = kTRUE);

Calling it looks e.g. like this directly in your terminal:

root -l -e 'TMVA::BDT("dataset", 0, "dataset/weights/TMVAClassification_BDT.weights.xml", "BDT")'

Edit: And for the control plots you need something akin to:

root -l -e 'auto f = TFile::Open("TMVA.root"); TMVA::bdtcontrolplots("dataset", (TDirectory *)f->Get("dataset/Method_BDT/BDT"))'