You are missing proper ROOT’s “etcdir”. Try to run “root-config --etcdir” and see if the returned subdirectory exists and if it contains your ROOT’s version specific files (it might be that this subdirectory exists but it contains files from some previous / outdated ROOT installation).
See the “Installing ROOT 5 from Source” web page.
Try to build your ROOT from scratch using something like:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --etcdir=/usr/local/etc/root --enable-explicitlink --enable-soversion --all
sudo make install
BTW. Honestly speaking, sooner or later, you will learn by hard that the policy of using a “system-provided” ROOT version (e.g. in “/usr/local”) is a dead end. You will learn that you need something like three different versions of ROOT - just because something that works with a particular version is not working with another ones. The safest approach is to “completely remove” all “system-provided” ROOT related packages and install all needed versions of ROOT from scratch, each version in a different “version specific” ROOTSYS subdirectory (e.g. something like “/opt/ROOT/v5-32-04”, “/opt/ROOT/v5-34-18”, “/opt/ROOT/v5-34-00-patches” and so on) - see, for example, [url= old post[/url].