Setting Parameter Limits, Fixing Parameters and Their effects on fitting

Thanks for the old post. That’s my real sample data indeed.

Anyways. my code is already similar for these parts. However, you and me, like others, always focus on the net area and its error. The real problem is the estimation of a background indeed.

When I quickly ckeck the code, you emphasized the “fixed background” part in these lines:

if (fit_with_fixed_background) {
f1->FixParameter(3, f1->GetParameter(3));
f1->FixParameter(4, f1->GetParameter(4));
g1->Fit(f1, “WEMR”);
std::cout << “note: background parameters are fixed” << std::endl;
std::cout << "gaus peak integral = " << f1->GetParameter(0)
<< " +/- " << f1->GetParError(0)
<< std::endl;

Here again, you comment out the gauss integral while fixing the background parameters. Since the fixed parameters error will be ZERO, then it should also affect the result of gauss integral’s error.

I wonder what happens if you print out the background integral and its error in your code!

Does using graph instead of histogram or using gausn instead of gaus make ANY DIFFERENCE on results?

You can get the integral and error of the “signal + background” directly from the fitted “f1”. For the “signal” alone, you then have “fg”. If you want the “background” alone, then you will need to create another function (using “pol1”) and play the same game as for the “fg”.

BTW. Of course, if you fix the “background” parameters when fitting, then the “background” integral’s error will be zero because the corresponding covariance matrix elements will be zero. Obviously, the errors of the “signal” parameters will be different, too.

I know what you mean, we have done this many times. I assume you are referring this part of your code I show below:

TF1 *fg = new TF1(“fg”, “gaus”);
Double_t sb = 5.0; // sigma band for the fg integral (e.g. 3 or 5 or 7)

Int_t ch_min = 360, ch_max = 460; // “channel numbers”
TF1 *f1 = new TF1(“f1”, “gaus(0) + pol1(3)”, ch_min, ch_max);
f1->SetParameters(30000., 430., 10., 5000., 0.);
TFitResultPtr r1 = g1->Fit(f1, “WEMRS”);
TMatrixD c1 = r1->GetCovarianceMatrix();
TMatrixD c1g = c1.GetSub(0, 2, 0, 2);
Double_t s1, s1e;
// fg->SetParErrors(f1->GetParErrors());
s1 = fg->Integral(fg->GetParameter(1) - sb * fg->GetParameter(2),
fg->GetParameter(1) + sb * fg->GetParameter(2));
s1e = fg->IntegralError(fg->GetParameter(1) - sb * fg->GetParameter(2),
fg->GetParameter(1) + sb * fg->GetParameter(2),
std::cout << "gaus peak integral (mean +/- " << sb << " sigma) = "
<< s1 << " +/- " << s1e << std::endl;

You keep saying play the same game. I don’t get it. Of course, I know how to adapt this part to background as well.

The point is here when you say f1->SetParameters(30000., 430., 10., 5000., 0.);
As you know, as soon as we fix any of these parameters, we loose the error. I am asking what is your strategy of getting it back when they are still FIXED?

For instance, this part will not give me the error. I am avoiding to write all of the code. Because, I fixed the parameters where I store in my array of p_bg here.

double bcg_g1_error = bg->IntegralError( g1_X_LBE, g1_X_UBE , p_bg, cov_bg.GetMatrixArray()) / BinWidth;

The TF1::IntegralError method gets the parameter uncertainties (and their correlations) through its “covmat” input parameter.

I know this, but I think you do not get my question. I try again When you fix the parameters of any function, any function at all, is it possible to get the error in this method?

I know the answer: NO. Please, do correct me if I am wrong.

Here is a link you answered somebody else before: Integral Error in Signal - #6 by Wile_E_Coyote

Here is the adapted version of YOUR code below to get background:
As you know as soon as you say somewhere “fiz the parameter”, yo -u get ZERO error as normal.

60Codata.txt (17.3 KB)

const Bool_t use_partial_covariance = kFALSE; // kFALSE or kTRUE

const char *filename = “60Codata.txt”;

TGraph *g0 = new TGraph(filename, “%lg %lg %*lg”); // X axis = channels

g0->SetTitle(“g0;Channel number;Energy”); // energy calibration

TGraph *g1 = new TGraph(filename, “%lg %*lg %lg”); // X axis = channels

g1->SetTitle(“g1;Channel number;Counts”);

TGraph *g2 = new TGraph(filename, “%*lg %lg %lg”); // X axis = energies


if ((g1->GetN() < 2) || (g2->GetN() < 2)) return; // just a precaution

TF1 *fg = new TF1(“fg”, “gaus”);

Double_t sb = 5.0; // sigma band for the fg integral (e.g. 3 or 5 or 7)

TF1 *bcg = new TF1(“bcg”, “pol1”);

Int_t ch_min = 360, ch_max = 460; // “channel numbers”

TF1 *f1 = new TF1(“f1”, “gaus(0) + pol1(3)”, ch_min, ch_max);

f1->SetParameters(30000., 430., 10., 5000., 0.);

f1->FixParameter(3, 5000); //for pol **************************************
f1->FixParameter(4, 0.); //for pol *******************************************

TFitResultPtr r1 = g1->Fit(f1, “WEMRS”);

TMatrixD c1 = r1->GetCovarianceMatrix();

TMatrixD c1g = c1.GetSub(0, 2, 0, 2);

TMatrixD c_bcg = c1.GetSub(3, 4, 3, 4);

Double_t s1, s1e;



// fg->SetParErrors(f1->GetParErrors());

s1 = bcg->Integral(fg->GetParameter(1) - sb * fg->GetParameter(2),

                fg->GetParameter(1) + sb * fg->GetParameter(2));

s1e = bcg->IntegralError(fg->GetParameter(1) - sb * fg->GetParameter(2),

                      fg->GetParameter(1) + sb * fg->GetParameter(2),



std::cout << "gaus peak integral (mean +/- " << sb << " sigma) = "

        << s1 << " +/- " << s1e << std::endl;


Additionally, try (just for “debugging”): c1.Print(); c1g.Print(); c_bcg.Print();

Have you run the code to see ZERO for the error? Not sure, how it will help. Of course, the matrix is full of ZERO.

You got also this post related to similar stuff as always. Apparently, it is a common issue for everbody.

None of these posts, as far as I noticed, are a solution to get integral error for the background when the parameters has to be fixed. Thus. another way to approach the problem is needed as I came to conclusion.

I got another idea of creating a histogram for the background to represent, then pull the error from the background histogram with IntegralAndError() method at the moment. The picture below is the correct representation of the background. if you give any flexiblity to the parameters, we make a distortion from this base line which makes it pol2 or something else indeed.

I saw this post from @moneta. I also try to understand that.

When fitting (make “background” parameters “free”), you can try to play with fit options: "EMRS", "PEMRS", "WEMRS", "LEMRS" ("L" only for histograms)

Ok. Now, we think the reason of getting different background estimations might be due to the fitting procedure we picked.

The TH1::Fit Method

Here are the results for background:

  1. Correct Result from histogram calculation:

Gross_Counts: 61171 ± 247.328 BCG_Counts: 15246 ± 693 Net_Counts: 45925 ± 735.812

  1. Result from fit option PEMRS:
    Integral range on X axis: xl: 400 xr: 462 g1_X_LowerBinEdge: 400 g1_X_UpperBinEdge: 463 Gross_area: 60885.7 ± 247.077 ( slightly UNDERESTIMATED)
    Bcg_area: 12807.1 ± 301.172 (UNDERESTIMATED) Net_area: 48078.6 ± 351.647 (OVERESTIMATED)

  2. Result from fit option EMRS:
    Integral range on X axis: xl: 400 xr: 462 g1_X_LowerBinEdge: 400 g1_X_UpperBinEdge: 463 Gross_area: 60885.7 ± 247.077 (SAME AS 2.)
    Bcg_area: 12807.1 ± 301.172 (SAME AS 2.)
    Net_area: 48078.6 ± 351.647 (SAME AS 2.)

  3. Result from fit option WEMRS:
    Bcg_area: 12422.8 ± 17.9087 (UNDERESTİMATED, it took longer time)

  4. Result from fit option LEMRS:
    Bcg_area: 12874.5 ± 296.152 (UNDERESTİMATED)

  5. Result from fit with fixed pol parameters and EMRS fit option:
    Bcg_area: 15062 ± 0 (similar as 1, the correct estimation)

  6. Geometric result: 15246 (from trapezium area of red area in my plot above.)

  7. My method: I calculate the coordiates of each end of the function limits and the slope of the background line in the code. Then, I create a function where I fix its parameters to those calculated results. Lastly, I use Integral() method without fitting anything. Namely, I read the integral over the function directly.

Results: Background integral: 15246 ± ??
(without error, EXACTLY SAME as 1st method.)

However, I don’t get the error because I haven’t fit anything. To make the IntegralError() method work, we need to fit and retrieve the covmatrix … from it. That’s why I got no ERROR retriaval.

NOTE: I have used same calculated coordinates for consistency to initialize the pol parameters throughout the methods 2-6 for fitting.

What is your comment on this?


In a comparison table, you should always add the area (and its error) of your fitted “signal”, too.

It is surprising to me that "EMRS" and "PEMRS" give the same results. I don’t know how you fill the histogram but, maybe you should apply (after filling, but before fitting): histo->ResetStats();

If you fill the histogram with weights different than 1, you should also try: "WLEMRS"

See the TH1::Fit method description for the available fit options.

I can do those. Bin width is 1. I have many functions to do everythiing separately.
I added Reset option, but it didn’t change the result for background. I can add gross area and net area, or counts as well.

I UPDATED first 2 results above in the previous one for you.

If you ask how I fill the gross area histogram, here is the function:

TH1D *CreateHisto(){

TH1D *hist = new TH1D(“histo”,“Gaussian Peak and Background”,1024,0,1024);
fstream file;"…Co60.txt", ios::in);

double Counts;
int channel=0;


file >> Counts ;
//cout << channel << " " << Counts << endl;
if(file.eof()) break;


Also, here is the part of an another function where I fill and create the background histogram.
I am not sure if SetBinContent and Fill methods make any difference.

TF1 *new_Bcg = new TF1(Form(“bg”),background ,Bcg_x1_LowE , Bcg_x2_UpE , 2); //pol1
new_Bcg->FixParameter(0, Bcg_a); //for pol
new_Bcg->FixParameter(1, Bcg_b); //for pol
cout << "\nBackground integral: " << new_Bcg->Integral( Bcg_x1_LowE , Bcg_x2_UpE) / BinWidth <<endl;

TH1D* bcg_histo = new TH1D(“bcg_histo”,“Background”,xr-xl,xl,xr);

for (double i = xl; i < xr+1; i++){
//cout <<i << " " << new_Bcg->Integral(i,i+1) << endl;


bcg_histo->GetXaxis()->SetRange(xl,xr); // for fitting to focus on the limits

double BCG_Error ;
double BCG_counts = bcg_histo->IntegralAndError(xl, xr, BCG_Error , “”);
cout << "BCG_Counts: " << BCG_counts << " ± " << BCG_Error << endl;

After the “while” loop, add: hist->Sumw2(kFALSE); hist->ResetStats();

In principle, you should do the same for your bcg_histo (after the “for” loop): bcg_histo->Sumw2(kFALSE); bcg_histo->ResetStats();

As you fill the “bcg_histo” with “integral” values, for comparisons, you should probably add the "I" fit option to every fit.

I guess you mean after the end of the loops both in while and for. I can do that right now. You concern that it might have kept the previous result in the memory.

Now, it looks like these.

file >> Counts ;
//cout << channel << " " << Counts << endl;
if(file.eof()) break;


for (double i = xl; i < xr+1; i++){
//cout <<i << " " << new_Bcg->Integral(i,i+1) << endl;



I have only one fit. I don’t use any fit to create the bcg histogram. They are 2 different functions.

RESULTS ARE STILL THE SAME AS ABOVE. JUST 0.1 count different. It took much longer TIME with I option in the fit as I stated below.

BTW. Histogram integrals always use whole bins. So, for comparisions with function integrals, you should use:

Int_t xl = ..., xr = ...; // histogram bin numbers
... histogram->Integral(xl, xr) ...
Double_t xmin = histogram->GetBinLowEdge(xl); // left edge of the "xl" bin
Double_t xmax = histogram->GetBinLowEdge(xr + 1); // right edge of the "xr" bin
... function->Integral(xmin, xmax) ...

Don’t worry , I do it already. I am well aware of it. I attach the related part of the code here.
Could you please have a look?

test1.C (11.0 KB)
Co60.txt (3.5 KB)

Looking at your macro, it seems to me that you are using an ancient ROOT 5.
That is why the "P" fit option is ineffective.

In any case, you’d better clean up your macro so that you can use: .x test1.C++

BTW. To make your macro also ready for ROOT 6, you will need to replace:
area = function->Integral(a, b, params);
function->SetParameters(params); area = function->Integral(a, b);

Don’t make me cry again. My laptop was broken, so I had to use my ancient DELL. There is ONLY windows 10 installed on it. I was doing everyting with .x test1.C++ style on linux before, but it doesn’t work in that way () on windows right now (I guess) due to the exe I used from ROOT website .

I think I used to installation method stated here down there in the last part.

BTW, I already use area = function->Integral(a, b);

For instance, what is the result in your computer, can you post it to me. I assume you haven’t seen any error or logic mistake in the code, have you?

I only looked at the source code. I wasn’t able to run your macro with ROOT 6 so I gave up.

My root version: root_v5.34.36.win32.vc12

I don’t have any clue why I can run but not compile and run in my version now.

I used to write as I was doing before in linux. Not sure, why your computer cannot run.

It seems there is ROOT6 for windows here. Let me give it a try.

It seems root 6 is installed and giving too many errors after running. Very nice :frowning: