Set different colors for Bars in TGraph object

Hi everyone,

Is there a way to set different colors for each bar when using the “AB” draw option in TGraph?

Int_t y[4] = {5,9,8,10}
Int_t x[4] = {1,2,3,4}

TGraph *gr = new TGraph(4,x,y)

you need one TGraph for each bar. You can group them in a multigraph

Hi @couet, I found a glitch when using "AB" Option and SetRangeUser, look:

Int_t y[4] = {5,9,8,10};
Int_t x[4] = {1,2,3,4};

TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas();

TGraph *gr = new TGraph(4,x,y);

Which yields to:

ROOT 6.13/01

I see it too. I tried to find a work around without success.
As you need bar chart why don’t you use an histogram instead of a graph ?
with histogram you control the bin width … not with graphs (there is no bin).
This option B for graphs is rarely used because of that. But I agree it should be fixed.

Thank you @couet I’ll use histograms instead. I also opened a JIRA ticket for this issue:

I saw that, Thanks !

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Now fixed in master.

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