Root without C++ compiler installed?

Hmmm. I have been using it as I described since 2006 or so. It works. Remember the only use of Root is to read and write Root files containing TNtuple-s.

I want to separate the install directory from the source directory – if they were together that would add over a half-GigaByte to my distribution, roughly doubling its size. I suppose I could delete all the unused stuff, but that’s a complexity I’d rather avoid.

As a test I used the method described here to build root (slightly modified):

Installing ROOT 5 from Source
cd /Where/I/Unpacked/The/Source/Code/Of/root
export ROOTSYS=/Where/I/Want/To/Install/root
./configure macosx64 --minimal
(g)make install # may need “sudo”

This works equally well for G4beamline, so I’ll switch to that recommended method (including other OS-s).