Root --web is insecure

The ROOT 6.26 and 6.28 pre-compiled binary distributions for Ubuntu 18.04 / x86_64 (“End of Life” April 2028) are missing. Please add them (I assume ROOT 6.30+, which require C++17 or newer, will not be supported anymore).

Hi @James-Carroll
thanks for reaching out - we are using CERN’s connections to talk to the maintainers, apart from ROOT’s usual connections. (Do you think you could help us with snap?)
Cheers, Axel

We don’t have an Ubuntu subscription; for us, Ubuntu 18.04 is EOL. See and read carefully what it says on “ESM”.

Cheers, Axel

Thanks, it’s nice to hear that people are getting notified :).

The Snap’s already had patches for the 3 effected branches published, 2 days later about 60% of people have already downloaded them. The autoupdate mechanism is aggressive but definitely shines through in these scenarios! Effected users would also benefit from some of the sandboxing mitigations, the threat is still high, but in theory things such as access to .ssh keys, browser history, config files, network locations, etc, would all have been cut off for effected users which is a nice to have too.

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