Root update error

Could you try to disable all pyroot (and pyroot_experimental) from the cmake-gui (it is simpler). From C:\Users\akasp\root, type (exactly!):

C:\Users\akasp\root>cmake-gui .

and then, in the GUI, search for all pyroot options and make sure they are disabled. Then you can try again to configure and generate (you can do it with the buttons in the GUI)

CMake Error at interpreter/llvm/src/cmake/config-ix.cmake:486 (message):
DIA SDK not found. If you have both VS 2012 and 2013 installed, you may
need to uninstall the former and re-install the latter afterwards.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
interpreter/llvm/src/CMakeLists.txt:585 (include)

Did you start the cmake-gui from a x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019?

No, it was not integrated to the PATH. I have redone it after installing again. Also, while detecting python, it says
Looking for python

Preferring Python version 3

Could NOT find Python (missing: Python_LIBRARY Interpreter Development NumPy) (found version “3.8.2”)
Does NumPy has to be installed for this ? the error was as follows:
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
linked by target “PyROOT” in directory C:/Users/akasp/Downloads/root_v6.20.00.source/root-6.20.00/bindings/pyroot

Also, the pyroot/ pyroot experimentals are already disabled in the cmake-gui. Attached file contains the options which are enabled.cmake_selected_list.txt (344 Bytes)

OK, try to install numpy, but it should not be needed…

Okay, that worked. it configured and generated successfully, but the files I see here are different. Can you help me here? These are the bin files.

Did you build? Or did you configure only?
I mean, did you run cmake --build . --config Debug?

I generated it from the cmake-gui after it configured
Should I build it separately?

What do you mean by “separately”? You have to build it. Up to know you only generated the project files used to build it

Okay. It is done. I sincerely thank you for holding on this long and bearing it with me.

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Good news! And you’re most welcome! :slight_smile:

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