Root Installation (WINDOWS 11)

but when im trying the python method

is there something wrong with my python version?

Yes, you need Python 3.11

Should I download this version?

No, 3.11

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I have downloaded python 3.11 and installed as well but when I’m trying to keep the base interpreter as 3.11 in VS2022 it is not happening.

I don’t know, I never work with virtual environments. And I don’t know what you’re trying to do. Once you installed Python 3.11, can’t you simply start python from a Developer Command Prompt for VS2022 as I showed you previously?

I have been trying to do that, but again the prompt shows ‘ROOT’ not found. 3.12 was installed on my VS. Should I uninstall and then reinstall VS with python 3.11 again? Will that work?

This has nothing to do With Visual Studio. You should be able to use Python without Visual Studio. Try to remove the Python component of Visual Studio and use the one you installed

My PyROOT is running but only in cmd window. I cannot import ROOT in Visual Studio for some unknown reason.

Well, you have to set the proper environment variables in Visual Studio. But why do you want to run from inside Visual Studio?

Visual Studio uses Powershell by default. Until there is a thisroot.ps1, you have to switch to “Cmd”. It can be done in the Visual Studio setting of terminals.

See also:

In Visual Studio, with the default terminal, try running thisroot.ps1 instead of thisroot.bat

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