ROOT C++ in Windows

Sorry, I misunderstood

  1. Add ROOTSYS Variable: In the Environment Variables window, under the “User variables” or “System variables” section (depending on whether you want the variable to be available only for your user account or for all users on the system), click on “New…”. In the “Variable name” field, enter ROOTSYS. In the “Variable value” field, enter C:\Users\abhis\root. Then click “OK”.
  2. Edit PATH Variable: In the same Environment Variables window, find the “Path” variable in the list of variables under the “User variables” or “System variables” section. Select it and click on “Edit…”.
  3. Add %ROOTSYS%\bin to PATH: In the Edit Environment Variable window, click on “New”. Enter %ROOTSYS%\bin as the new entry. Click “OK” to save the changes.

I did this, did I do the
correct thing?

It looks like you did it right

It worked, THANK YOU A LOT .

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You’re very welcome!