ROOT 6.22 binary on macOS with C++14/17

This version is still C++11 only?

When I started it for the first time, I got

IncrementalExecutor::executeFunction: symbol '_ZN4Vc_16Common15checkLibraryAbiEjjPKc' unresolved while linking function '_GLOBAL__sub_I_cling_module_1'!
You are probably missing the definition of Vc_1::Common::checkLibraryAbi(unsigned int, unsigned int, char const*)

but it doesn’t happen on subsequent starts

My problem with C++11/14 is that my code uses auto lambda functions for RDataFrame ('auto' return without trailing return type; deduced return types are a C++14 extension) so it won’t compile with C++11, when I switch to C++14
I get errors with

      reference to 'index_sequence_for' is ambiguous
      using ind_t = std::index_sequence_for<ColTypes...>;
