Root 6.04.14 hadd 100Gb and rootlogon

Dear Philippe,

thank you very much for your message, this is very helpful!

In addition, let me copy/paste here a little python script a colleague passed me which does the job also in case people visit this thread (*).

Thanks again for your help
Best wishes


import ROOT
import os, sys

print 'Merging %s' % sys.argv[1]

print "Max tree size",ROOT.TTree.GetMaxTreeSize()
ROOT.TTree.SetMaxTreeSize(200000000000) # 200 Gb
print "Updated tree size",ROOT.TTree.GetMaxTreeSize()

rm = ROOT.TFileMerger(False)

path = 'mypath'
file_output = '%s.root' % sys.argv[1]
file_list = []
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
  for filename in files:
    if ('%s_part' % sys.argv[1]) in filename: file_list.append(path+filename)

print "Input file list:",file_list
print "Output file:",file_output

for F in file_list:

    print "Adding ->",F

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