Questions regarding TTree and their NameCycles


You may want to re-read the User’s Guide chapter on I/O and in particular the discussion about ‘cycles’

Sorta … When the number of entries reached the one given by ‘AutoSave’, the meta-data is flushed to the disk. A the previous version is kept around in case the writing of the new fail (so that most of the data is still readable even in case of crash). The cycles are backups.

Yes. ;1 is an older snapshot of the meta data.

The delete only remove the meta data and not the data (as it might be associated with other cycles) and thus the amount freed is small. In addition, this size freed is likely to be in the middle of the file and thus the file can not be shrunk as shrinking it would requires moving the other part (and updating the meta data pointing to them).


See the User’s Guide for a complete answer and my previous answer for the short version.
