[QtRoot] Problem rendering a canvas on Qt widgets

Sorry for delay.
I reproduced your issue.
For me this sounds like the TSpline3::Paint method bug the Qt plugins just reveals.
By some reason, it, TSpline3::Paint, paints things twice (including all axes and backgrounds etc).
The patch

[code]— test.cc.original 2011-09-16 08:07:00.000000000 +0200
+++ test.cc 2011-10-04 20:31:13.000000000 +0200
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
g->SetPoint(i, i, gRandom->Gaus());

  • // g->Draw(“ap”);
  • g->Draw(“ap”);

    delete s;
    s = new TSpline3("", g);
    s->SetBit(kCanDelete, kFALSE);

  • // s->Draw(“same”);
  • s->Draw(“LP”);
  • s->Draw(“same”);

  • // s->Draw(“LP”);

    // w->GetCanvas()->Modified();
    // w->GetCanvas()->Update();
    [/code]solves the “resize” issue and brought back ](*,) the “re-draw” one. behavior is consistent with what I see with the TSpline3::Paint method.

Can you confirm that this issue is TSpline3 related only?
Did you see such trouble with the other ROOT classes ?

See TSpline3 problems


permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.l … .root/7522 also.