Problems in installing root in windows

After installing root and window sdk, I am getting error " input_line_1:1:10: fatal error: ‘new’ file not found
Assertion failed: OldBuilder->DeferredDeclsToEmit.empty() && “Should have emitted all decls deferred to emit.”, file C:\build\ws\BUILDTYPE\Release\LABEL\windows64\V\6-26\root\interpreter\llvm\src\tools\clang\lib\CodeGen\ModuleBuilder.cpp, line 147 "

Please help. I am new to this.

_ROOT Version: 6.26/06
Platform: VS Code (version : 1.70.0)
Compiler: MinGW intaller

Make sure you start from a x86 (or x64) Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 (or 2019), depending which version of Visual Studio you have (VS 2022 or VS 2019) and which version of ROOT you installed (32 or 64 bit). And BTW, VS Code is not a platform and MinGW is irrelevant here (not supported by ROOT)

I don’t understand how to start from " x86 (or x64) Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 (or 2019)". I have installed the lastet visual studio code and for va code i installed MinGW installer. Apart from this I don’t know anything. Please guide me in a easy way.

  1. download Visual Studio (not Visual Studio Code, which is only an editor)
  2. in the Visual Studio Installer, select Desktop development with C++
  3. once installed, from the main Windows menu, in Visual Studio 2022 select either x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 if you installed the 64 bit version of ROOT or x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022 if you installed the 32 bit version of ROOT
  4. from there, you can for example cd to your home directory cd %USERPROFILE% or any directory you want to work from
  5. call c:\where\you\installed\root\bin\thisroot.bat
  6. start root and enjoy!
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Thankyou very much for helping me.

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