Problem with TSpectrum: GetPositionX()

ROOT Version: Not Provided
Platform: Not Provided
Compiler: Not Provided


I am trying to locate the right most peak from the histogram. However I am having problem where the parameters I’ve found from using GetPositionX() are printing out gibberish. The problem starts from line 27, where I set the value of xpeaks.

struct hit_eff_vs_energy
  float energy;
  float sigma;
  float quartz_hits;
  float lyso_hits;
  float hit_efficiency; 
  float total_PE;
  float PE_eff;
  float PE_eff_err;

hit_eff_vs_energy eff;

//photon beam energy from run 10942 to 10983
const float Conv[50] = {21.06, 22.11, 23.80, 25.85, 15.43, //10942-10946
                         17.52, 18.21, 20.31, 26.58, 28.60, //10947-10951
                         29.30, 31.30, 32.00, 34.00, 34.60, //10952-10956
                         39.20, 41.80, 44.30, 46.80, 49.30, //10957-10961
                         51.70, 54.10, 56.4};//10962-10964
//10965 pedestal run:
//Quartz: 166
//TR: 228
//TL: 136
//LYSO: 146
//local calibration: 2.29pC/PE where 0.2pC/channel

float quartz_pedestal = 165.2;
float OnePE = 11.45;  
float quartz_ped_cut = quartz_pedestal+OnePE/2; //pedestal =165.2, signle PE = 165.2+10.4 = 175.6, cut at half PE 170
int sigma_cut = 3;   // number of sigma used in cuuting on LYSO photopeak

void AnalyzeSingle2(int run)
  // if (run>=10968)
  //  pedestal=167;

  // TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Mainz Photon Beam Data",800,900);
 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas();
 TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Mainz Photon Beam Data",600,480); 

 TFile *f_data = TFile::Open(Form("run_%d.root",run)); 
 TTree *dTree = (TTree*)f_data->Get("dataTree");
 TH1D *h_lyso = new TH1D("h_lyso","",4096,0,4096);
 TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(3);
 TH1D *h4 = new TH1D("h4","",4096,0,4096);
 TH1D *h3 = new TH1D("h3","",4096,0,4096);
 TCanvas *c11= new TCanvas();

 //Use TSpectrum to find the peak candidates
 float temp_sigma= 20;
  // if(Conv[run-10942]>55)
  //     temp_sigma= 100;
  //options: Search(histogram_pointer,sigma of searched peaks,options,threshold)
   Int_t nfound = s->Search(h_lyso,temp_sigma,"new",0.03);
   printf("Found %d candidate peaks to fitn\n",nfound);
   // TH1 *hb= s->Background(h_lyso);
   // TH1 *hb= s->Background(h_lyso,5,"BackOrder4");
   // hb->Draw("same");
   // c11->SetLogy();

   //Locate the right most peak
   Double_t *xpeaks = s->GetPositionX();
   cout<<"Position x: "<<s->GetPositionX()<<endl;
   cout<<"xpeaks: "<<xpeaks[1]<<endl;
   Double_t *ypeaks = s->GetPositionY();
   Double_t Xtemp = 0;  
   cout<<"xpeaks: "<<sizeof(*xpeaks)<<endl;
   for (int p=0;p<(nfound);p++) 
    Double_t xp = xpeaks[p];
          Xtemp = xp;
      Int_t bin = h_lyso->GetXaxis()->FindBin(xp);
      Float_t yp = h_lyso->GetBinContent(bin);
      cout<<"xp: "<<xp<<endl;
      cout<<"Xtemp: "<<Xtemp<<endl;
      cout<<"bin: "<<bin<<endl;
      cout<<"yp: "<<yp<<endl;
   printf("Now fitting main photopeak.");

 Double_t peak_mean = Xtemp;
 cout<<"peak_mean: "<<peak_mean<<endl;
 // cout<<"peak_mean: "<<peak_mean<<endl;
 Double_t peak_sigma = 2;
 TF1 *fitF = new TF1("fitF","gaus(0)",peak_mean-0.3*peak_sigma,peak_mean+1.2*peak_sigma);
 for(int l=0; l<5; l++)
   peak_mean = fitF->GetParameter(1);
   peak_sigma = fitF->GetParameter(2);
 if (fitF)= c11->Update();
 c11->SaveAs("testgraph11.jpg"); = peak_mean - 125;  // pedestal center of LYSO channel
 eff.sigma = peak_sigma;
 cout<<"Mean: "<<peak_mean<<", Sigma: "<<peak_sigma<<endl;

// cut on photopeak, +/- n*sigma
// TString cut = Form("data.LYSOChn>%f && data.LYSOChn<%f", 
//                     peak_mean-sigma_cut*peak_sigma, 
//                     peak_mean+sigma_cut*peak_sigma );

//cut off LYSO pedestal only
 float lyso_pedestal_cut = 150;
 // TString cut = Form("data.LYSOChn>%f ",lyso_pedestal_cut);//peak_mean-peak_sigma/2.0-100)
 TString cut = Form("LYSOChn>%f ",lyso_pedestal_cut);//peak_mean-peak_sigma/2.0-100)
 // TString cut2 = Form(" && data.LYSOChn<%f",peak_mean+peak_sigma/2.0-4.0*(peak_mean-lyso_pedestal_cut)/5.0);
 TString cut2 = Form(" && LYSOChn<%f",peak_mean+peak_sigma/2.0-4.0*(peak_mean-lyso_pedestal_cut)/5.0); 
// TString cut3 = Form(" && data.QuartzChn>%f",quartz_ped_cut);
 TString cut3 = Form(" && QuartzChn>%f",quartz_ped_cut);
 cout<<"cut : "<<cut<<endl;
 cout<<"cut2: "<<cut2<<endl;

 // dTree->Draw("data.LYSOChn >> h4",cut + cut2);

 TH1F* lyso_data = (TH1F*)h4->Clone("lyso_data");
 eff.lyso_hits = lyso_data->Integral(150,4096);
 cout<<"Integral lyso data: "<<eff.lyso_hits<<endl;

 // dTree->Draw("data.QuartzChn>>h_quartz(4096,0,4096)","");
 // dTree->Draw("data.QuartzChn >> h3",cut + cut2 + cut3); 
 dTree->Draw("QuartzChn >> h3",cut + cut2 + cut3);
 TH1F* quartz_data = (TH1F*)h3->Clone("quartz_data");
 eff.quartz_hits = quartz_data->Integral(quartz_ped_cut,4096);
 cout<<"Integral quartz data: "<<eff.quartz_hits<<endl;

 eff.hit_efficiency = (float)eff.quartz_hits / eff.lyso_hits;
 cout<<"Hit efficiency: "<< eff.hit_efficiency<<endl;


 // PMT521, 10.44 ch/PE, 2.294pC/PE
 // pedestal mean from run10965: 160.8+/-0.9, pedestal right edge: 165
 // pedestal from beam-on runs: 165.2+/-1.0
 // PE spectrum range: [0,377], where (4096-160.8)/10.44->377
 // dTree->Draw("(data.QuartzChn-165.2)/10.44>>PE_h1(4000,0,377)",cut2);

 TH1D *PE_h1 = new TH1D("PE_h1","",10000,0,(4096-quartz_pedestal)/OnePE);
 TString PE_Cal = Form("(data.QuartzChn-%f)/%f>>PE_h1",quartz_pedestal,OnePE);
 TString PE_Cal = Form("(QuartzChn-%f)/%f>>PE_h1",quartz_pedestal,OnePE);
 dTree->Draw(PE_Cal, cut + cut3);
 eff.total_PE = PE_h1->GetMean()*PE_h1->Integral();
 eff.PE_eff = eff.total_PE/eff.lyso_hits;

 // Light yield error: for y = x/a with OnePE = a+/-da = 10.44+/-sqrt(10.44), Delta y = (x/a^2)*da = x*a^(-3/2)
 eff.PE_eff_err = eff.PE_eff/OnePE*sqrt(OnePE); 

 cout<<"====>> PE_h1->Integral(): "<<PE_h1->Integral()<<", PE_h1->GetMean():"<<PE_h1->GetMean()<<endl;
 cout<<"====>> Total PE: "<<eff.total_PE<<", PE/hit:"<<eff.PE_eff<<" +/- "<< eff.PE_eff_err <<endl;

 // delete h_lyso;
 // delete s;
 // delete fitF;
 // delete h4;
 // delete h3;
 // delete PE_h1;


what could the issue be?
Thank you for reading.

You didn’t say which ROOT version you are using.


Thank you for pointing out. It is version 5.34/23 7 November 2014.
ROOT 5.34/23(v5-23-23@v5-34-23,Nov 07 2014, 15:13:40 on linuxx8664gcc)

So, see the two source code files (peaks.C and SpectrumFit.cxx) given in the old topic from the link in my previous post here.

BTW. When you post “source code” or “output” here, do remember to enclose them into two lines which contain just three characters ``` (see how your post has been edited above).

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