Problem with sscan

But if I would like to avoid the problem, best will be to read directly from the original dump of the database file which is in csv format.
Would that be possible?

See: TTree::ReadFile
BTW. I’m afraid it will also choke on UTF-8 encoded files (so, you need to make sure that you have simple ASCII csv files) and I don’t think it will accept the string “NULL” as a numerical value 0.

Hmm, where do I put the delimiter = ‘,’ ?
I tried, std::ifstream ifs(Form("%sTestLines_faraBoatName.csv", dir.Data()),’;’, std::ifstream::in);
but doesn’t work, silly me

I don’t understand what you’re trying to do. See: std::ifstream
Post your csv file here, if it doesn’t work with TTree::ReadFile.

Here is the csv file, is a mixture of diferent types of data, eand the second column, which are names were written in different ways, not all of them are two different names
fewLines.csv (2.3 KB)

{ TFile *f = TFile::Open("fewLines.root", "RECREATE"); TTree *t = new TTree("t", "A tree from fewLines.csv"); t->ReadFile("fewLines.csv", "Index/I;Name/C;FHS/F;Spe;STI;Date/C;WDir;WSpe/F;Slip;WHgh;SSta/I;Drfw/F;Draf", ';'); // t->Print(); // t->Scan("*"); t->Write(); delete f; // automatically deletes "t", too }

Is working fine for few lines, but I just got the dump from the DB , still the problem of NULL, managed to find and replace with 0 but somehow the last two columns are not read. When I made t->Scan(*) and redirect the output to a text file, I see he is reading correctly the last two columns value.