Problem in applying cuts

Dear Experts,

I am trying to apply cuts while filling a histogram like:

T1->Draw(“p_hww_ProjMet>>j1_8”,“p_PUWeight*(-0.0194479 < p_hww_dPhi_lTau && p_hww_dPhi_lTau <= 1.41222 && 13.9407 < p_hww_Min_TransMass && p_hww_Min_TransMass <= 121.613 && 21.8431 < p_hww_ProjMet && p_hww_ProjMet <= 110.907 && 20.845 < p_hww_invmass_ltau && p_hww_invmass_ltau <= 350.798 && 0.664308 < p_hww_dR_lTau && p_hww_dR_lTau <= 1.49797 && 49.4589 < p_hww_TransMass_higgs && p_hww_TransMass_higgs <= 199.155 && -0.967116 < p_hww_bTag_discrmfastjet && p_hww_bTag_discrmfastjet <= 13.3188)”);

I am trying to optimise the cuts for my analysis. Right now, I am providing numbers for the cut values. But i want to put here a variable so that i don’t need to change these values every time. When i tried to put a variable then it gave me error like:
Error in TTreeFormula::Compile: Bad numerical expression : “x”

Could you please suggest how should i do that ?

Thanks and regards,

Hi Arun,

Use TString::Format for example:T1->Draw("p_hww_ProjMet>>j1_8",TString::Format("p_PUWeight*(%lf < p_hww_dPhi_lTau",x));
