Non Linear Least Square Fit with GSL MultiFit


sorry for multiple posting.

I understood from the example written by Lorenzo which can be found here
[url]Locate like command
that I need a more complex object in order to do simultaneous fitting with GSLMultiFit.

The global chi2 function must be a class with a certain structure. I tried to rewrite the script for my purpose and succeeded partially.

What I did was formulating everything in such a way that in principle the user can feed an arbitrary number of fitting functions. The fitting functions are parametric, two dimensional and of equal structure. They share one parameter.

Everything seems fine and I can also compile the code. It just does not work with GSLMultiFit.
The error message I get is:

“Minimize using GSLNLSMinimizer undefined”

For some reason the script runs with Fumili but in the end the fitting results would be nonsense anyway :frowning:.

I would deeply appreciate it if Lorenzo or one of the other fitting experts around could have a look at my code. Maybe you can determine where I wrong and tell me.
I must get this script running within the next days.

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,
fit_mass_table_beta_6_qmass_0.03_tc_WL.dat (561 Bytes)
fit_mass_table_beta_6_qmass_0.03_tc_Pion.dat (565 Bytes)
TestCombFit2.C (10 KB)