No graphical output

I have to revive this thread… I’ve just installed Linux Mint 18 (KDE version if that matters) on a desktop, and have the same issue again. Root v06.06.08 seems to compile with no problems, but I get no graphics

I do:

tar -zxvf root_v6.06.08.source.tar.gz
mkdir test_build ; cd test_build

–at this point it seems fine,:
– Enabled support for: asimage astiff builtin_afterimage builtin_ftgl builtin_glew builtin_pcre builtin_lzma builtin_llvm cxx11 cling exceptions explicitlink fortran genvector mathmore memstat opengl pch python shadowpw shared thread tmva vdt xft xml x11

make install
root [0] new TBrowser
(TBrowser *) 0x1c1b830

and that’s it. No error, and no TBrowser.

I didn’t really solve the problem last time, it just magically went away… so not sure how to proceed with debugging.


How is it possible that directly after “make install” you were able to run “root”?
You should have needed something like:
source /scratch/HEPsoftware/local/bin/

Well, is it possible that you have another root version installed somewhere?
If yes, remember that, before you configure and make your new root, nothing in your setup can point to any other existing version (i.e. check PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, …).

Also, check your DISPLAY variable (e.g. try to start an xterm from your terminal in order to make sure that it works).

yes, sorry, missed that step. After make install I open a new terminal, which calls
. /scratch/HEPsoftware/local/bin/
through my .bashrc.

I don’t have any other root versions installed, and get eg

which root

My path and lib path look fine:

echo $PATH


Try to:
locate root.exe

So, first remove the offending line from your .bashrc, then start a new terminal (so that the “old” root settings are gone) and then build your new root from scratch again (i.e. delete the “test_build” and “root-6.06.08” subdirectories, unpack the source code again, …).

BTW. Add -Dall=“ON” -Dsoversion=“ON” to your cmake line.

Last, but not least … make sure that you read the notes about installing a “system default” ROOT version in a “system default” subdirectory (this applies to your “/scratch/HEPsoftware/local”, as well) : Missing Canvas

ok, removed my .bashrc, cleaned everything out and started again.

locate root.exe

untar, make compilation directory,
See output in make_log.txt (765 KB)

then make, make install - see output in cmake_log.txt (9.54 KB)

root [0] new TBrowser
(TBrowser *) 0x1f39050

no error, and no TBrowser.

Sorry, somehow I missed the second part of your reply. But adding -Dall=“ON” -Dsoversion=“ON”, eg:


to a completely clean setup makes no difference. Still no graphics.

I’m not entirely sure how to use the “ROOTSYS” method with cmake. eg if I set
export ROOTSYS=/scratch/HEPsoftware/local
make install
then it tries to install to /usr/local/…

Similarly running configure in the root source directory before running cmake in the build directory has the same result.

What I find really strange about this is that I’m running exactly the same OS on my laptop and root works with no problems.

Make sure that you “unset ROOTSYS” before running cmake.

If you have two machines with the same system, try to compare the “cmake_log.txt” and “make_log.txt” from both of them (i.e. line by line).

BTW. are you sure that you can run/display “xterm” from your desktop machine?

Yes, I can run an xterm with no problem. ok, I’ll have to check my laptop tomorrow.

I started with a clean install on my laptop with v06-06-08 in order to compare the cmake & make outputs with my desktop. And now I get no graphics on my laptop either. So at least things are consistent…

Anything else I can check?

Just to update: I solved the problem. For whatever reason, the plugin path was being set incorrectly.
eg in the cmake directory, there is a system.rootrc file which contains:
test-mint18-root-6.06.08/etc/system.rootrc:Unix.*.Root.PluginPath: :/scratch/HEPsoftware/local/etc/root/plugins:
and this file seems to also be copied to the install directory:

but the plugins are actually installed in /scratch/HEPsoftware/local/etc/plugins (no “root” in the path)

So if I copy the system.rootrc file to my home directory as .rootrc then fix the paths in that file, I finally get graphics.
