Hi All,
I am trying to load some material properties from a GDML file using TGeoManager::Import(). In this file (attached, with the extension changed to “.C”) I am trying to make a material from a mixture of materials, some of which are also mixtures, themselves. Loading the file throws no errors indicating an inability to read the materials, but when I execute a Dump() on the Scintillator material, there is only one element present. I would like to be able to find what “sub-mixtures” the mixture is made of, so that I can browse their elements. Is there a way to do this? or is this functionality just not implemented?
Note: the reason that I am trying to do this is the apparent lack of support for the GDML tag in root versions before 5.28. Suggestions for workarounds are appreciated.
IsotopeTest.C (1.87 KB)