Intall ROOT on Anaconda

I am also currently having trouble to install root with conda.

  1. Did you set the priority first as described here?
    conda config --set channel_priority strict

  2. Try to install again, but as far as i understand right now, then it will also fail. As it is impossible(?) to install root into the conda environment with anaconda packages already, as it has its own python versions, etc. which might conflict with root dependencies versions… See another post on this.

  3. So the easiest (as far as I understand again) should be to just create a new environment with root and then try to install anaconda on top if you need it:

conda create -c conda-forge --name <my-environment> root
conda activate <my-environment>
cconda install anaconda

which fails for me right now, but it might be my local problem so try yourself…