Install Root v5.34.34

Can you post the output of:
: | gcc -dM -E -x c - | grep -i endian

If you want the “--enable-python” feature, you need to have the “python” executable and its corresponding “python-devel” package installed.
If “python --version” says you have no “python” executable, try. e.g.:
ln -sf /usr/bin/python2 ${HOME}/bin/python
You may then also need to install the “python2-devel” package, of course,
Note: I do not know how good or bad the support for a modern “python3” is.

BTW. Use “--build=debug” only for debugging purposes (your “production” version should be built without it). Also, I think, “--disable-x11 --disable-mysql” should not generate any problems (in this case, attach both “*.out.txt” files for inspection).