Init autoloading (.rootmap file)

_ROOT Version: Root6.24
Platform: Linux
Compiler: g++

I am trying to run ROOT application using .rootmap files. Could you please point me up documentation how to do it. I found only some rumors how to do it.

I am not sure what you are referring to exactly. May be @axel has an idea ?

Hi Couet,

I am not sure what you are referring to exactly.
OK, I will explain it more clear.
I am working with big STAR software which is based on Root5
and Cint. I have changed this to Root6.24 and got
a lot of problems with library loading and Cling macros.
I decided that using .rootmap files will be easier.
I installed .rootmap files for all STAR libraries, place map and
lib files together, set AcliC.linkLibs: 2
Then I run Cling macro with some class in inside.
Got the error “class not defined” . That means library with this class
was not automatically loaded, as I expected. So I did something wrong,
and decided to check documentations. But I did not find any.
Then I asked from Root Forum where I can find documentation
about using .rootmap files.

Hi Victor,

If you are migrating now to v6, you should consider not using rootmap file which are deprecated.

That said, I am very confused because v5 produced rootmap files and v6 can/will produce the same rootmap files (or close) … and the autoloading (when using rootmap file) should work somewhat the same and thus you should not have had to change much … (and without rootmap file, I don’t how v5 would have done autoloading).

On the other hand, a lot change about macros and what we gained in better code generation we lost a bit in flexibility.

So to make sure we are solving the right problem, can we look at one specific problem. I.e share the complete macro and the actual error message.


Hi Philippe, do you mean that .rootmap should not be used in Root6 at all?
Or you mean that I should not use .rootmap files made by Root5. Sure I
produced these files using Root6. Ok, if I should not use .rootmap at all
I will send the Cling errors, in standard Root6 approach.

Or you mean that I should not use .rootmap files made by Root5.

I was not talking about that … but indeed that would not work.

do you mean that .rootmap should not be used in Root6 at all?

I mean that even-though they should work, they are not the way forward.

Sure I produced these files using Root6.

So they should have worked and I suspect that the error are actually not directly related to library autoloading.


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