I am using KDevelop from I prefer it over Eclipse because it feels more lightweight to me. Since version 5, it uses clang under the hood for syntax checking and completion. If you put your $ROOTSYS/include path in the file ~/.kdev_include_paths, KDevelop will find all ROOT includes for any cpp file in your home directory or below (beware: if you are using the extension .C, then please change settings so that .C is parsed as C++, not as C).

And if you are using cmake, you can simply open the CMakeLists.txt file and compile/run/debug/git-commit from within KDevelop.

I am using the Linux version and have no idea if Windows&Mac versions are usable for production.

In Eclipse I was annoyed with all the project settings, it seems to heavy to me if you just want to write a plotting script.

That said, Eclipse+CDT is of course an excellent choice! Definitively use an IDE with syntax completion and C++ checking!