How to search for a value in ntuple and get the index?


As stated in the title I’m looking for a way to extract the index of a specified value from a ntuple. For example:

root [0] TNtuple *test = new TNtuple("test", "Test", "a:b")
(TNtuple *) 0x56218ea17880
root [1] Float_t a,b;
root [2] test->SetBranchAddress("a", &a);
root [3] test->SetBranchAddress("b", &b);
root [4] a = 0;
root [5] b = 1;
root [6] for (Int_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

How do I find the value a=4 or b=5 in the ntuple and get their indexes?

_ROOT Version: 6.14/08
_Platform: gentoo
_Compiler: gcc-7.3.0-r3

Okay, so I found that I can search in the ntuple by using Scan

root [39] test->Scan("a", "a==4")
*    Row   *         a *
*        1 *         4 *
==> 1 selected entry
(long long) 1
root [40] test->Scan("b", "b==5")
*    Row   *         b *
*        1 *         5 *
==> 1 selected entry
(long long) 1
root [41]

Now my problem is extracting the row number (1 for both in this example).
Any suggestions?

Just loop over the ntuple and print out the index of the loop:
for (Int_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (a==4) cout << i << endl;

That is a solution, and it would work well for a small ntuple. But, I forgot to write it in the first post, I will need this “search and get index” feature for a bigger code with large ntuples.
With the solution you suggested I would have to loop twice over a ~4400 ntuple inside another loop over ~1500 elements. So I wonder if there is a faster way to achieve my goal using the TTree/TNtuple functions.

See “Saving the result of Draw to a TEventList, a TEntryList or a TEntryListArray” and then " Using a TEventList, TEntryList or TEntryListArray as Input" in the TTree::Draw method description.

Sorry for the late response.
Your suggestion was exactly what I needed, thank you very much!

Now I have another small issue with my code, not completely unrelated to searching in ntuples, but it has more to do with the way ROOT stores the values read from a file.
The file has the following values

390 0.003769647 0.0004146161 0.0184726
390.1 0.003839806 0.0004227277 0.01881624
390.2 0.003911263 0.0004309905 0.01916627
390.3 0.003984042 0.0004394068 0.01952283
390.4 0.004058164 0.0004479791 0.01988602
390.5 0.004133652 0.0004567101 0.02025596

When I scan the ntuple in which they are imported I get


  • Row * cie_wave * cie_x * cie_y * cie_z *

  •    0 *       390 * 0.0037696 * 0.0004146 * 0.0184726 *
  •    1 * 390.10000 * 0.0038398 * 0.0004227 * 0.0188162 *
  •    2 * 390.20001 * 0.0039112 * 0.0004309 * 0.0191662 *
  •    3 * 390.29998 * 0.0039840 * 0.0004394 * 0.0195228 *
  •    4 * 390.39999 * 0.0040581 * 0.0004479 * 0.0198860 *
  •    5 *     390.5 * 0.0041336 * 0.0004567 * 0.0202559 *


As you can see the values in the first column are not what is inside my file
The ntuple is defined and filled by the following code

  TNtuple *cie_cmf = new TNtuple("cie_cmf", "cie_cmf", "cie_wave:cie_x:cie_y:cie_z");
  Float_t cie_wave, cie_wave_inter, cie_x, cie_y, cie_z;
  cie_cmf->SetBranchAddress("cie_wave", &cie_wave);
  cie_cmf->SetBranchAddress("cie_x", &cie_x);
  cie_cmf->SetBranchAddress("cie_y", &cie_y);
  cie_cmf->SetBranchAddress("cie_z", &cie_z);

  ifstream cie_file;"cie-cmf_2006");
  while (1){
    cie_file >> cie_wave >> cie_x >> cie_y >> cie_z;
    if (!cie_file.good()) break;
    cie_cmf->Fill(cie_wave, cie_x, cie_y, cie_z);

Now if I have to search a the value “390.2” from the first column I get nothing.

root [28] cie_cmf->Draw(">>t1", "cie_wave==390.2");
root [29] t1->Print("All")
EventList:t1/cie_wave==390.2, number of entries =0, size=1000

Is there a way to fix this issue?

  TTree *cie_cmf = new TTree("cie_cmf", "cie_cmf");
  cie_cmf->ReadFile("cie-cmf_2006", "cie_wave/D:cie_x:cie_y:cie_z"); // "Double_t"
  // cie_cmf->Print();
  cie_cmf->Scan("*", "cie_wave==390.2");
  std::cout << 390.2 - ((Float_t)390.2) << std::endl;

Thank you very much again! It worked perfectly.

And happy new year.

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