How to read and save data in a TMatrix

Good morning,

Please I am trying to understand how TMatrixes work. I have a code but I get errors. I want to be able to put data in my TMATRIX and read the data. I would be glad if I get assistant here. Thank you very much. I have the following errors.
home/harriet/fair_install/ATTPCROOTv2/build/macro6.C:79:6: error: no matching member function for call to ‘Use’
/home/harriet/fair_install/FairSoft_apr22/Build/root/include/TMatrixT.h:130:35: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from ‘Double_t [4]’ to ‘TMatrixT &’ for 1st argument
TMatrixT &Use (TMatrixT &a);
/home/harriet/fair_install/FairSoft_apr22/Build/root/include/TMatrixT.h:131:35: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from ‘Double_t [4]’ to ‘const TMatrixT’ for 1st argument
const TMatrixT &Use (const TMatrixT &a) const;
/home/harriet/fair_install/FairSoft_apr22/Build/root/include/TMatrixT.h:128:35: note: candidate function not viable: requires 3 arguments, but 1 was provided
TMatrixT &Use (Int_t nrows,Int_t ncols,Element *data);
/home/harriet/fair_install/FairSoft_apr22/Build/root/include/TMatrixT.h:129:35: note: candidate function not viable: requires 3 arguments, but 1 was provided
const TMatrixT &Use (Int_t nrows,Int_t ncols,const Element *data) const;
/home/harriet/fair_install/FairSoft_apr22/Build/root/include/TMatrixT.h:124:35: note: candidate function not viable: requires 5 arguments, but 1 was provided
TMatrixT &Use (Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,Int_t col_lwb,Int_t col_upb,Element *data);
/home/harriet/fair_install/FairSoft_apr22/Build/root/include/TMatrixT.h:125:35: note: candidate function not viable: requires 5 arguments, but 1 was provided
const TMatrixT &Use (Int_t row_lwb,Int_t row_upb,Int_t col_lwb,Int_t col_upb,const Element *data) const
In file included from input_line_8:1:
/home/harriet/fair_install/ATTPCROOTv2/build/macro6.C:96:24: error: use of undeclared identifier ‘A_1’
const Int_t *rIndex = A_1.GetRowIndexArray();
/home/harriet/fair_install/ATTPCROOTv2/build/macro6.C:97:24: error: use of undeclared identifier ‘A_1’
const Int_t *cIndex = A_1.GetColIndexArray();
/home/harriet/fair_install/ATTPCROOTv2/build/macro6.C:98:26: error: use of undeclared identifier ‘A_1’
const Double_t *pData = A_1.GetMatrixArray();
/home/harriet/fair_install/ATTPCROOTv2/build/macro6.C:99:2: error: expected unqualified-id
for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < A_1.GetNrows(); irow++) {
/home/harriet/fair_install/ATTPCROOTv2/build/macro6.C:127:1: error: extraneous closing brace (‘}’)

This is my code .

void macro6 () {

        TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "Radial", 500,600);
        Int_t n =5; 
        Double_t alpha,beta;
        alpha = 0.8;
        beta = 0.5;

        // using TMATRICES FROM CERN.
        //DEfine all matrices

        TMatrixD A_1(2,2);
        TMatrixD B_1(2,1);
        TMatrixD X_1(2,1);
        TMatrixD Y_1(2,1);
        TMatrixD H_1(2,2);
        TMatrixD R_1(2,2);
        TMatrixD C_1(2,2);
        TMatrixD P_1(2,2);

        //Filling the matrixes. 

        TArrayD data(4);
        for (Int_t i= 0; i < 4; i++) {
                const Int_t ir = i/2;
                const Int_t ic = i%2;
                data[i] = 1./(ir+ic);
//      A_1.SetMatrixArray(data.GetArray());

        Double_t C_E[n], E_Est[n],E_CE[n],E_Mea,KG[n],q,mn[n];
        Double_t x[n],dt,w,y[n],ay,v[n];
        Double_t X[2][1],Matrix_1[2][1],Matrix_2[2][1],transpose_A[2][2],P[2][2];
        Double_t dx,dv,Matrix_3[2][2],transpose_H[2][2],Matrix_4[2][2],Matrix_5[2][2];
        Double_t add[2][2],K_G[2][2],Y[2][1];

        //initial values.
        dx = 20.0; // meters.
        dv = 5; //m/s.
        w = 0.0;
        x[0] = 4000.0; //  Units in meters.
        v[0] = 280.0; //    Units in meter/seconds.
        //ax= 2.0;      //in m/sec².
        dt = 1.0;
        C_E[0] = 10; // unit in m.
        Double_t z[10] = {49.95,49.967,50.10,50.106,49.992,49.819,49.933,50.007,50.023,49.99};  // units in m. 
        Double_t Matrix_A[4] = {1,0,dt,1};

        //To use all these in my TMatrix.
        Double_t Matrix_B[2][1] = {0.5*TMath::Power(dt,2),dt};
        Double_t Matrix_X[2][1] = {x[0],v[0]};
        Double_t Matrix_Y[2][1] ;
        Double_t Matrix_H[2][2] = {{1,0},{0,1}} ;
        Double_t Matrix_R[2][2] ={{625,0},{0,36}};
        Double_t Matrix_C[2][2] = {{1,0},{0,1}};
        Double_t ax[2][1]  = {2.0,0.0};
        Double_t Matrix_P[2][2] = {{TMath::Power(dx,2),0.0},{0.0,TMath::Power(dv,2)}} ; // generated errors.


 //for printing the TMatrix.

        const Int_t *rIndex = A_1.GetRowIndexArray();
        const Int_t *cIndex = A_1.GetColIndexArray();
        const Double_t *pData = A_1.GetMatrixArray();
        for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < A_1.GetNrows(); irow++) {
                const Int_t sIndex = rIndex[irow];
                const Int_t eIndex = rIndex[irow+1];
                for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) {
                        const Int_t icol = cIndex[index];
                        const Double_t data = pData[index];
                        printf("data(%d,%d) = %.4en",irow+A_1.GetfRowLwb(),

//      return 0;
        TGraph *gr1 = new TGraph(n,mn,z);
        TGraph *gr2 = new TGraphErrors(n,mn,C_E);

   // create a multigraph and draw it
   TMultiGraph  *mg  = new TMultiGraph();
//      TGraph *gr1 = new TGraph(n,mn,C_E);
//      gr1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("mn");
///     gr1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("temperature");
//      gr1->Draw("ALP");


A_1.Use(A_1.GetNrows(), A_1.GetNcols(), Matrix_A);

okay, but in the print statement I have this error:
In file included from input_line_8:1:
/home/harriet/fair_install/ATTPCROOTv2/build/macro6.C:105:42: error: no member named ‘GetRow’ in ‘TMatrixT’
printf(“data(%d,%d) = %.4en”,irow+A_1.GetRow(),
~~~ ^
/home/harriet/fair_install/ATTPCROOTv2/build/macro6.C:106:13: error: no member named ‘GetCol’ in ‘TMatrixT’

this is the part of the code
//for printing the TMatrix.

    const Int_t *rIndex = A_1.GetRowIndexArray();
    const Int_t *cIndex = A_1.GetColIndexArray();
    const Double_t *pData = A_1.GetMatrixArray();
    for (Int_t irow = 0; irow < A_1.GetNrows(); irow++) {
            const Int_t sIndex = rIndex[irow];
            const Int_t eIndex = rIndex[irow+1];
            for (Int_t index = sIndex; index < eIndex; index++) {
                    const Int_t icol = cIndex[index];
                    const Double_t data = pData[index];
                    printf("data(%d,%d) = %.4en",irow+A_1.GetRow(),


ROOT Manual → Functional parts → Mathematical libraries → Linear algebra packages → Matrix package ;

ROOT Reference Documentation → Functional Parts → Math → Matrix Linear Algebra

Yes please that is the manual I am following