Hi Kristian,
Here is an example:
void list_histos(const char *fname)
TKey *key;
TFile *f = TFile::Open(fname, "READ");
if (!f || f->IsZombie()) {
cout << "Unable to open " << fname << " for reading..." <<endl;
Int_t total = 0;
TIter next((TList *)f->GetListOfKeys());
while (key = (TKey *)next()) {
TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName());
if (cl->InheritsFrom("TH1")) {
// the following line is not needed if you only want
// to count the histograms
TH1 *h = (TH1 *)key->ReadObj();
cout << "Histo found: " << h->GetName() << " - " << h->GetTitle() << endl;
cout << "Found " << total << " Histograms" << endl;
Cheers, Bertrand