How to draw 8 type data with different color and marker

i want to draw [color=blue]8 type data with different color and marker in the same picture[/color],using a loop,but i find only the first data with different color and marker.
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(“c1”, “c1”,80,80,500,500);
FILE *fp=fopen(“data.dat”,“r”);
TFile *f=new TFile(“data.root”,“RECREATE”);
TTree *t=new TTree(“T”,“data from ascii file”);
Float_t x[8][3];

UShort_t i,j,r;
// printf("%.3f “,x[i][j]);
// printf(”\n");

if(i==0) t->Draw(“x[0][1]:x[0][2]:x[0][0]”,"","");
if(i!=0) t->Draw(Form(“x[%d][1]:x[%d][2]:x[%d][0]”,i,i,i),"",“same”);

   pmarker3D = new TPolyMarker3D(2000,2,"");





 0.1 0.007936       3     0.1 0.007935       4     0.1 0.009266       5     0.1 0.01216       6     0.1 0.02552       7     0.1  0.0351       8     0.1 0.03492       9     0.1 0.06326      10
 0.2 0.008255       3     0.2 0.008108       4     0.2 0.009433       5     0.2 0.01234       6     0.2 0.02572       7     0.2 0.03533       8     0.2  0.0352       9     0.2 0.06357      10
 0.3 0.02014       3     0.3 0.01697       4     0.3 0.01949       5     0.3 0.02493       6     0.3 0.04162       7     0.3 0.05558       8     0.3 0.06133       9     0.3 0.09475      10
 0.4  0.0815       3     0.4  0.0766       4     0.4 0.09501       5     0.4  0.1247       6     0.4  0.1693       7     0.4  0.2159       8     0.4  0.2598       9     0.4  0.3196      10
 0.5  0.2106       3     0.5  0.2237       4     0.5  0.2824       5     0.5  0.3565       6     0.5  0.4363       7     0.5  0.5083       8     0.5  0.5686       9     0.5  0.6224      10
 0.6  0.3797       3     0.6  0.4258       4     0.6  0.5167       5     0.6   0.606       6     0.6  0.6806       7     0.6   0.736       8     0.6  0.7758       9     0.6  0.8048      10
 0.7  0.5537       3     0.7  0.6264       4     0.7  0.7222       5     0.7  0.7979       6     0.7  0.8502       7     0.7  0.8841       8     0.7  0.9057       9     0.7    0.92      10
 0.8   0.715       3     0.8  0.8009       4     0.8  0.8857       5     0.8  0.9418       6     0.8  0.9756       7     0.8  0.9953       8     0.8   1.007       9     0.8   1.014      10
 0.9  0.8607       3     0.9  0.9497       4     0.9   1.019       5     0.9   1.059       6     0.9   1.081       7     0.9   1.093       8     0.9   1.099       9     0.9   1.103      10
   1   0.993       3       1    1.08       4       1   1.136       5       1   1.164       6       1   1.178       7       1   1.185       8       1   1.189       9       1   1.191      10
 1.1   1.116       3     1.1   1.197       4     1.1   1.242       5     1.1   1.263       6     1.1   1.272       7     1.1   1.276       8     1.1   1.279       9     1.1    1.28      10
 1.2   1.231       3     1.2   1.307       4     1.2   1.343       5     1.2   1.358       6     1.2   1.365       7     1.2   1.368       8     1.2   1.369       9     1.2    1.37      10
 1.3   1.342       3     1.3   1.412       4     1.3   1.442       5     1.3   1.453       6     1.3   1.457       7     1.3   1.459       8     1.3    1.46       9     1.3   1.461      10
 1.4   1.449       3     1.4   1.514       4     1.4   1.538       5     1.4   1.547       6     1.4    1.55       7     1.4   1.551       8     1.4   1.552       9     1.4   1.553      10
 1.5   1.554       3     1.5   1.614       4     1.5   1.634       5     1.5   1.641       6     1.5   1.643       7     1.5   1.644       8     1.5   1.645       9     1.5   1.645      10
 1.6   1.657       3     1.6   1.713       4     1.6    1.73       5     1.6   1.735       6     1.6   1.737       7     1.6   1.738       8     1.6   1.738       9     1.6   1.738      10
 1.7   1.759       3     1.7   1.811       4     1.7   1.825       5     1.7   1.829       6     1.7   1.831       7     1.7   1.831       8     1.7   1.832       9     1.7   1.832      10
 1.8    1.86       3     1.8   1.909       4     1.8   1.921       5     1.8   1.924       6     1.8   1.925       7     1.8   1.926       8     1.8   1.926       9     1.8   1.926      10
 1.9    1.96       3     1.9   2.006       4     1.9   2.017       5     1.9   2.019       6     1.9    2.02       7     1.9    2.02       8     1.9   2.021       9     1.9   2.021      10
   2    2.06       3       2   2.103       4       2   2.112       5       2   2.115       6       2   2.115       7       2   2.116       8       2   2.116       9       2   2.116      10

Your code below does not make much sense.

if(i==0) t->Draw(“x[0][1][0][2][0][0]”,"","");
if(i!=0) t->Draw(Form(“x[%d][1][%d][2][%d][0]”,i,i,i),"",“same”);

pmarker3D = new TPolyMarker3D(2000,2,"");


I suggest to:
-read the Users Guide chapter about the basic principles of graphics
-look at the tutorials in the graph, graphics, hist tutorials directories
-replace the code above by something like:

[code]for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
if(i==0) t->Draw(“x[0][1][0][2][0][0]”,"","");
if(i!=0) t->Draw(Form(“x[%d][1][%d][2][%d][0]”,i,i,i),"",“same”);

