Hi @jalopezg ,
Thanks a lot for your help. I just realized a huge mistake that I have made…
sayang@DESKTOP-IFS80HM:~$ root-config --features
cxx14 asimage builtin_afterimage builtin_clang builtin_cling builtin_llvm builtin_lz4 builtin_lzma builtin_nlohmannjson builtin_openui5 builtin_pcre builtin_tbb builtin_vdt builtin_xrootd builtin_xxhash builtin_zstd clad dataframe exceptions gdml http imt mlp roofit webgui root7 runtime_cxxmodules shared ssl tmva spectrum vdt x11 xrootd
sayang@DESKTOP-IFS80HM:~$ root-config --has-python
Although I have installed Python but still my python binding is missing in root-config --features. After seeing another one facing issue like me in this following link
I realized that I need to rebuild root from scratch. Does that mean I should reinstall ROOT or there is any other way.
Actually I followed this video to install root through WSL
Installing CERN ROOT in Windows with WSL - YouTube