Hi, Thanks very much for your reply, I finally work it through following the Danilo’s reply in this thread.
I am able to write a vector of my user defined class into the root file, but now I have new issue of how to read them. The following code does not work:
void ReadROOTTree() {
TFile file("tree.root", "READ");
TTree* tree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(file.Get("myTree"));
std::vector<X> xVecPtr ;
tree->SetBranchAddress("xBranch", &xVecPtr);
// Read the first entry of the tree
// Close the file
int main() {
return 0;
It pass the compilation but give out the error: Error in TTree::SetBranchAddress: The address for “xBranch” should be the address of a pointer!.
Further I have no idea how to use a pointer to access each element in the vector in that branch, otherwise copying the whole vector out would definitely be not efficient. Any suggestion would be appreciated.