Horrible multiple TGraphPolar

Hi guys.
I do not understand Why I’m getting this horrible plot

It should be something like this

Here It is the code

#include "TGraphPolar.h"
#include "inc/RootImprove.h"
#include "inc/NuclearFunctions.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv ){
  RootImprove R;
  TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas ("c2","",800,800);

  std::vector<TGraphPolar*> vgP;
  const double e[]={2., 10., 50, 170., 511.}; //keV
  int npoints = 100 ;
  double min=0.;  
  double max=2.*TMath::Pi();
  double r[npoints];
  double theta[npoints];

  TGraphPolar *gPaux;

  for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
    theta[i]= min+i*(max-min)/npoints;
  for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) {    
    for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++){
      r[i] = KleinNishinaDC(theta[i], e[k] );
      // std::cout <<r[i] <<" "<< theta[i]<<std::endl;
    gPaux = new TGraphPolar(npoints,theta,r);
    gPaux -> SetMarkerStyle(10);
    gPaux -> SetMarkerSize(0.3);
    gPaux -> SetLineColor(R.Color(k));
    gPaux -> SetMarkerColor( R.Color(k) );
    vgP.push_back( gPaux );

  for (int k=0;k<5;k++)
    vgP[k]->Draw("CP SAME");
  vgP[0] -> GetPolargram()->SetTextColor(8);
  vgP[0] -> GetPolargram()->SetNdivPolar(0);
  vgP[0] -> GetPolargram()->SetNdivRadial(10);
  vgP[0] -> GetPolargram()->SetToRadian();

  return 0;

Any idea, what I am doing wrong

I am missing the two include files.
Can you provide a script we can run ?

sorry, here they areRootImprove.cpp (11.4 KB)
RootImprove.h (4.1 KB)
NuclearFunctions.h (347 Bytes)

It is just a matter of the axis range. Your radial axis goes between 40 and 80, but actually your values of r go below 40, so they jump to the negative side.

Just call:
vgP[0] -> GetPolargram()->SetRangeRadial(0,100);

By the way, you may be interested in this code attached here, which does something similar to what you want, i.e. the Klein-Nishina cross section and Compton edge analysis, but in normal histograms. Should not be a big deal to convert to polar graphs. See http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-204988 for details on the notation.

klein_nishina.cpp (16.2 KB)

That it is!!
Best answer ever.
Thank you very much ferhue.
By the way, I do not understand the ways how vgP[0] → GetPolargram()->SetNdivRadial(10); works according to the doxygen

Set the number of radial divisions: enter a number ij with 0<i<99 and 0<j<99.

    i sets the major radial divisions.
    j sets the minor radial divisions.

So that I was expecting 1 major division and no minor divisions.
But I am not getting this.

The documentation is not very clear at this point. It should rather say:
Enter a number N = i*100 + j, where i (0-99) are the major radial divisions and j (0-99) are the minor ones. So j should occupy always 2 digits.

You may want to try 100 instead of 10.

Again ferhue thank you. That is the solution.

I know this should be in another topic, but in any case.
Do you know how to import UTF8 in titles. I need to use some Spanish accents (tildes) but
from all the available accents here
the most similar is #acute, again this can be esthetics, but the way those accents looks are not so good. Even in the same example they provide you can realize it.


yes, using #acute seems to be the easiest way. If you need better accents, I suggest that you save the canvas as .tex. Then, you compile with latex/tikz/pgf, where UTF8 is supported without problems.

Another way might be to use the Qt/Root plugin. See for example:

Note that a JIRA ticket is opened about the UTF-8 support.

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